Anonymous ID: f5b394 Jan. 27, 2022, 9:23 p.m. No.15480842   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I'm just skeptical that it's nothing more than links being made, after the fact, by picking super obscure piece of data to make the connection.


Its consistent. As I see it, it is an ongoing verification of looking glass / yellow book technology and if the pieces continue to fit, a verification that the plan is still in effect.


News unlocks map, message & meaning.


my clocks tend to be simplistic:




>Clinton family working overtime.


Occassionally mine are more complex - ex: FISAGATE


But there is layering and subtlety to the clock over time if you're good - i.e: >>15480669 or >>15381163 (PB)


How does the info get out there..? See image #3.


We are not dealing with your web hosting companies level II support. This is the "Biggest Intel Drop…"


There might be less than 10 that can confirm; but those people give orders and directives….that's how and why people work graphics that incorporate the news, military tweets etc.


Also, Trump never wound back the Smith Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 (allowed propaganda to be used and broadcast on the US population). While I'm annoyed with that, it was probably necessary to ensure stories get out. Yes, I'm saying "THEY" have their press agents (The View, Maddow, Reid etc.) but WE have our plants as well (the obvious: Hannity, Herridge etc and the less obvious 'backchannels').


Information warfare

Mind warfare