I was just thinking about this. Wondering what kinds of fuckery they already have planned to go down in Ottawa. I suspect truckers will be a hard group to infiltrate.
Report: "Consequently, death after vaccination is considered suicide by the French courts"
Picked this story up at La Quinta Columna TV's Telegram account, popped it into Google Translate (maybe the censors will learn something), et voila – a qui esta: A Spanish newspaper, Noticiero Universal, reports that a French court has agreed with an insurance company that death after experimental vaccination is "suicide."
Is it possible? Seems too rational to be true, but here's the headline: "La justicia francesa exime a una compañía de seguros de cubrir la muerte de un vacunado por considerar un suicidio que se inyectara un producto experimental"
Google translate is a bit clunky, but the gist is clear:
French justice exempts an insurance company from covering the death of a vaccinated person for considering suicide who injected an experimental product.
Follow the money, but in this case it leads not to a corrupt den of killers 'n' cash but to a ruling of bottom-line-logic. Taking an experimental shot of gene-altering nano-wiring is, yes, suicidal.
Here's the rest of the translation.
Yep, the Hitler chimpout video was inevitable. Kek!
They're already infiltrating and hijacking.