Like I said. Get a hold of Hildy.
There was a handful of people she was working with in the beginning.
I was one of those people.
The things you guys are pulling up on your slides…I've seen them before and under an electron microscope. She's done most of the work and she can connect the dots. Mikovits would be good to bring on too.
I don't have a law degree under my belt and can do nothing but connect people to the right people.
I think you two should talk, and the sooner the better.
If only to rule it out. By the looks of it, from everything I've been seeing come out, the images, the way this thing behaves, the manner in which it's being pushed and why it's being pushed, the components in the vaccine vs. what it does inside the body.
If they're not connected I'll be really shocked.
Really shocked.
She did tell me years ago that everyone was exposed. Morgellons, the expression of it…the symptoms, was only being done so in persons that had a certain DNA marker.
Our body was rejecting the technology.
The symptom of that was Morgellons. Symptoms varied from person to person.