I am sooooo glad I have never been jabbed or even tested. Anon can hardly imagine what those feel after being jabbed and then realizing just what they have allowed being injected into their bloodstream and not being able to undo it.
The internet, Lifelog/Facebook, and Total Information Awareness was their dream. Now that dream has been turned against them and used to expose them all.
Evil cannot survive in the light.
The fact I could not find the right words to prevent some family from getting jabbed tears me up inside. I am not looking forward to the I told you sos.
USENETS.. BBS days.. Downloading your first Anarchist cookbook.PDF.
It was an entirely new world.. The Rabbit Hole starting point for me.
Rusty and Eddies
>Morgellons is related to chemtrails
mfromcanada / Marcia always had good info.
Hope she's okay. Not seen any posts from her in forever.
FB nuked me and I am all out of emails and cell phones to make another account.
4am talking points should be coming out about nowโฆ Back to Digging!
Crimes of Genocide
The message is clear. Get vaccinated from the comfort of your home and this stack could be yours.
Call 312-746-4835 to make an appointment. #ProtectChicago
More Signs of The Great Awakening.
Marvel Actress Evangeline Lilly Comes Out Against Vaccine Mandates: โNobody Should Ever Be Forced To Inject Their Bodyโ
nighty nite
Sure hope you're right. Talking to them is impossible. Their "If it was true, it would be on TV" attitude pisses me off when trying toโฆ FUCKING SHOW THEM!
You can sense a little frustration there..
>You're being gaslighted
The moran tells us to not believe our eyes and thinks that works here. kek
Waiting for him to say it was a type-o.. Because the "o" and "a" are so close together.
Top right word appears to beโฆ promise
Sussmann has turned and is now helping Durham.
Guess he is too old to spend the rest of his life in prison, but now he has to be in the Epstein suicide watch program.
The plot thickens. This leads directly to HRC
Real or notโฆ
This JUST MIGHT push the brainwashed Karens of the world over the edge.
Did not think "Signs of Great Awakening" worthy notable?
>>15481709 More Signs of The Great Awakening.
>i had no idea how long, wide and deep it all actually went, and continues.
Filter Bubbles
One can imagine the conversations in the room while they placed that money.