>a whore paints their face, wears a vale
Extrapolating, from your worldview, all brides are whores? twisted worldview, anon. Cannot agree that makeup and a veil=whore.
>a whore paints their face, wears a vale
Extrapolating, from your worldview, all brides are whores? twisted worldview, anon. Cannot agree that makeup and a veil=whore.
Still disagree. I see nothing wrong with someone covering up their imperfections. People do this in many ways; makeup is a temporary band-aid at best, but that's what it is (except for stagecraft, which is something else altogether).
BTW I agree it's wrong to pierce a little girl's ears. But look in any toy aisle, you'll see candy "make up" for little children.
>He managed the doomed campaign of Oscar Ocasio,
Very interesting โฆ coincidence? Ocasioโฆ AOC relative?
You have every right to believe what you want to believe, but I still disagree. Don't try to make this into a divisive issue. We agree children shouldn't be run through with needles; the rest we can agree to disagree.
>What happened to the Canadian trucker protest!?
(1) They're on their way there now.
(2) People must sleep sometime.
Nobody calling out interesting digits tonight?
I got quad-2's for one post and dub-dubs for another, and not a peep. Where are the autists tonight?
Hi FBI agitator. Stand down.
Anon's SEVENTEENTH post is zooming in on the highway numbers, 17 and "for 17"
Oops forgot the screenshot
I haven't seen this one posted yet:
sauce <https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/01/fda-broke-pfizers-eua-shield-liability-protection-gone-time-to-bring-down-the-gavel/>
Trips of truth; I vote yes.
I remember all the whipping-up of enthusiasm for the 2018 election, after which we were told, "the Senate was the target." Meanwhile Pelosi's posse impeached POTUS and worked like beavers to destroy the USA.
Trips of truth? Perhaps it's a deepfake vid?
I'm surprised there was zero reaction to the FDA opening Pfizer up to lawsuits. Really? No other anons think this is notable? Are there any other anon autists here?
Thank you anon. I posted the sauce the first time I posted the screenshot, but here it is again:
>Bridge collapses in Pittsburgh just hours before Biden infrestructure visit
LOL God does have a sense of humor.
Yeah, right. Smollett and Harris coordinated that. Evidence was presented on this board of their collusion.
OK I get your point. You could be correct. My first reaction was mirth, but perhaps it should have been SMH.
Anons had concluded from info they dug that monkey woman was a crisis actor. Pretty much lost interest after that, except for expecting the usual presstitute hype and fear porn.
>can you identify?
Two posts are mine, ending in 372 and 375. For some reason, anon signing as "baker" chose to mock my two posts, repeating them a few times each within the post 666. Screenshot: