>criticizing jews
How though? Against specific individuals for what they did, or against entire populations based on their race which is itself racist?
>I've never seen as much doxxing, spamming and FUD'ing as in the places where jews are somehow in some way scrutinized. It's like they are some kind of mafia. Just look how they spam this board with FUD and CP-spam just to disrupt the communication.
How do you know the identity of anyone who posts here? Truth is you don't. By using race to determine innocence and guilt, you're doing exactly what racist jews are doing.
You can't claim to be better or more righteous when you're doing the exact same thing of attacking whole groups instead of the guilty individuals.
For example, if there is one or a few radicalized racist extremists joining in the trucker convoy protests, would their individual actions and beliefs 'represent' all 50,000 truckers or the 1.4 million protestors?
Of course not!
Therefore, it is more accurate to say that there are a group of racist jews who do not represent the views of all jews.
Alexandr Solzenitsyn wrote that he differentiated between two layers of jess, one who rushed headlong into the 'revolution' (which killed millions) and those who stood back and wanted no part of the evil.
That's how all peoplearw worldwide. There is no such thing as a race of people that have identical racist views.