>>hatred between people based on their race
>But isn't that the whole purpose of natural selection? To out-survive other less favorable races?
This is an ancient pre-enlightenment ideology that falsely presumes human cooperation must necessarily be a zero sum game.
In the lower animal kingdom, animals don't 'produce' wealth, they live on what is naturally occurring. In that environment, 'competition' is a zero sum game.
For humans, we are unique.
Economic 'competition' in a free society based on individual private property rights creates new wealth such that human life is not a zero sum game.
To be sure, those adherents of the ancient ideology have quite expectedly jumped on the 'natural selection' doctrine from Charles Darwin as 'justifying' their ideology, but it in fact doesn't.
Your response of 'but isn't that the whole point of natural selection' is telling because it shows that contrary to hatred between races being sourced from the surrounding natural environment, which is what Darwin's theory is truly about, you're essentially admitting that the ancient ideology is in fact a subjective human construct, an 'artificial' 'manufactured' ideology that you're admitting is being used as a sort of ritual of a pre-enlightenment level of INTELLIGENCE/KNOWLEDGE and 'natural selection' is just the latest most popular 'excuse' for its legitimacy.
It's not as if without Darwin the adherents of the ritual practise would suddenly cease and desist.
The death ritual ideology PREDATES Darwin by many MANY years.
It's sourced in fact from a THEOLOGICAL view dating back to the biblical times. A rejection of God. A hatred that humans are not Gods, and a resulting ritualistic 'punishment' of innocent people generation after generation to 'manifest' that ancient ritualistic ideology.
>I never really understood this promotion of hyper-tolerance towards other races.
The logical categories you're claiming are within the minds of others, are not necessarily.
How do you even know Anons are viewing anyone else's 'value' based on their race?
I view all people as INDIVIDUALS first, and THEN whether they are this or that 'group'.
People are not primarily group. We know this from the discoveries and advances of the enlightenment.
Each of us can as individuals think, see, learn, and grow.
People are primarily individuals.
So no, your rhetorical question falsely presumes a flawed logic I reject.
>Why are "all races" so fantastic?
All individual lives are gifts from the One Source.
What each individual chooses to do is how we are to judge each other.
>To be honest, all this "otherkin worship" seems like some kind of cryptic way to undermine the whites.
I don't believe you're being honest at all. I think you're trying to defend the ideology and practise of 'anti-white' narrative (and other controlled opposition narratives).
By claiming that opposition to the ritualistic death cult ideology 'undermines whites', you're just restating the same death cult ideology logic and portraying the opposition as itself somehow only the views of another 'race'.
It's just the same hatred between races ideology to excuse and justify the gains the evil great deceivers make the more people are divided.