he is also canadian, but i am trying to figure out it looks like Google owns a large stake in Spotify so you would think they would want Rogan gone, unless his contract would bankrupt the company if he sued them for breech. So this Hipgnosis place is trying to devalue them by removing a large catalog of music. There is something going on here just too retarded to figure it out.
well yeah but they already do own everything, i bet we can find Blackstone in Google at some point. Just think it is strange NOW, Rogan at least visibly looks like a powerhouse, still a potential Gatekeeper, i realize that as well, but his message resonates with more people than most mass media channels combined at this point. Just interesting to watch i guess.
i think you maybe right, and i was raised in one of these groups. Not a black light one but a white light cult. Still sexually abused though. I do think we are going to see more of this though so stories of the abuse will be chalked up to schizophrenia. There is a guy David Carrico i think is his name of of the best experts on sra i know of.
his wife i believe is, and they have written and reported on it and its one of their missions to help people. Maybe you should look into him before running your faggot mouth.
the way i would describe it is think of the masonic checkerboard, light dark, same game. The black arts are more heinous the, baby sacrifice stories stuff like that. My family was more into the channeling, spirit communication stuff like that , lots of new age Cayce, elizabeth claire prophet type stuff. I was really young still when most of those involved died so i was able to get out of some of it because of that. This may not be the best explaination. I am not sure if the sexual abuse was part of the religious beliefs or not or if it was something else. Its hard for survivors to really understand all the stuff because so much we need to block out also just to survive. hope that helped a bit.
yeah that sounds about right, lots of gaslighting, my adoptive mother was very mentally ill, but one of the major players in this were her parents, since i was adopted i was told that if i ever told anyone about what was going on i would be taken away, of course i was scared but a few times i tried to run away as a child. Did not get very far. Only recently started really talking about it again because of all the stuff we have seen through this war. Working on it in therapy and stuff. But yeah my mind is a little bit and pieces also, but when its comes to pop culture or my memes i am spot on. So i dunno. Hope you are able to work through the trauma though. God bless anon.
do not disagree with anything you said but unless we go hot or some how the legal system overturns the election seems that angle is dead in the water. But if we can kneecap some of these orgs in the meantime that might be a way we can still hurt them. Rogan is suspect as i said earlier. Same thing with Peterson.