It's Xavier Becerra. So obvious. The guy is trying secede California to protect his own ass. He's gotta go.
also look into valarie jarret anon.
I trust Gowdy more than anyone else in govt.I don't even agree with all his politics but that dude is real. I was devastated sessions got AG. None of this and I mean none of this exists without Gowdy.
I think trump had to give sessions something for his loyalty and that's politics.
Educate yourself. Watch congressional hearings. As disrepectfully as possible fuck yourself.
Secret society tryin to Keep they eye on me
He exposed systemic corruption in the obama DOJ, state dept, And IRS.
Congressmen don't refer cases for prosecution. Congressional testimony is very useful in catching criminals. Gowdy is the single greatest cross examiner in the congress or senate.
You're looking at a congressman and trying to blame him for not charging someone.
Dipshit. Look at the DOJ.