Translated: The world elite is terrified real people will figure out how to find each other on the internet. The greatest deception in quite a while is a very simple and clever one… the idea that the world is more connected via the internet.
That might have been true back during the early 2000s and late 90s as the 'net came to be… but as people leave drive-by comments in social media or simply click like on posts… as we filter and search for exactly what we want to hear, rather than interact with a greater body of experience and opinion - we delude ourselves into believing the echo chamber of our selection is a greatly networked society.
Probably why I fell in love with the chans so quickly. Much like the older net I grew up on. Social media of debate and discussion rather than likes and dislikes.
As an aside…
I have been watching some DJT history… and it jumped out at me that his opponents rather quickly accused him of being a conspiracy theorist after winning the election (madcow, particularly). Even more interesting, however, is that he launched into business not long after the Kennedy Assassination. Prior to this, he was well educated and was in a military school.
Any poor bastard can, provided able body and sound mind, join the ranks of the military and serve their country. It is the privileged few, however, who can, when the nation exists in such a state, be born into positions of substantial influence. Their duties necessarily differ from those of the rank and file - even the officers. Those born to such positions have a heavy destiny to act as a check against the formation of such privileged statures.
It would seem from his earliest interviews and media appearances - the man was on a mission. In one of his first real-estate deals, he eviscerated the Mayor of New York in an identical style to how he eviscerated DC on the campaign trail.
Whether he was fully aware of the cabal at the time… or simply whacking at criminals where he saw them - it is clear the Trump brand was his form of a blitzkrieg on the convoluted ways of government and finance. At the least.