No>New Special Council
"Not to testify"(..)No need to step down if needed to testify"
Think logically, so by deduction and suggestion of ROLE Higher Confidence in above.
No>New Special Council
"Not to testify"(..)No need to step down if needed to testify"
Think logically, so by deduction and suggestion of ROLE Higher Confidence in above.
New Fag(what a name)
Started own thread but OP has paved a nice road. Communal Effort
Lurking, Beautiful find by anon "Q FOX THREE>Qf3>JA Singing Bird>SPLASH THREE -Q
Good Job Anon(9/WW) H+Law firm
Anon asked about old Q post previous thread: where are arrests promised 11.3 Huma 11.6 Podesta.
Fair (?)
Writing was different. Reinforces Q group theory. Writing Pattern current suggests same user. Also 11.3 and 11.6 may/may not refer to just dates. I found this, remembered from some time ago hard to find: https://
Anon suggested Gowdy flipped. Q post states "Not Needed to Testify" Think Logically" No Need to step down if asked to testify" What ROLE might TG be walking into"?
>New Special Council> FBI (Higher Confidence)
*Found either real, or fake first page of classified FISA memo ["1-22"] F-Book
I dont know that it shouldve been shared or that I should share it. Only… Justice for Seth Rich.
+/++ refers to adv in chess notation
whole thing was
Thank you Q
X Who watches the watchmen?
interesting take; losing this badly pushes them to violence.
Preferable, but hard to see him doing it.
Think logically>TG DepartureNot Testifying>ROLE
Q Non Agency going after perps "No Deals"
TG not testifying means TG not charged means not corrupt.
ROLE>Special Council
Hard to feel Mueller on Team but it is good cover. Get enemies out in the open, CRUSH
Which is where anons come in. "You were chosen for a reason."
So somewhere between a test case and a steady plant with added sunlight etc (insert lame analogy Here) Test case and built inertia for a larger movement.
Can the Public Accept? Can we have justice -w- no Civil War.X
… would accomplish same thing better way; you're right. also Q: "Why did RR Beg to Ryan for Memo not to be released." X
Good Eye Infamy has its downside…
Hope not Q mentioned Self Destruction. It would play into COG/Civil War/WWIII
Q is / has been here. 3 letters too. X