that mean is just fucking funny,.l
the $ difference between Dinesh and Elon is about like the difference between you and Dinesh.
kinda lines up with post 94, eh?
consider combining top and bottom into one?
Anyone else know this? Just tried it. It works.
CA family gets emotional about Convoy
current baker has been silent and is doing his job. Anyone can verify by user id.
It's not rocket science.
The confederacy is a fucking sentiment.
Why does everyone who expesses get treated as glowing.
Fake and Ghey.
It's not like it's the Nazi Symbol.
if by that you mean something along the lines of "don't give them the ammo" I've never agreed with this. They will ALWAYS have ammo, if they have to create it themselves. That's what (((they))) do. We no longer have to dodge bullets when we stop caring about what others think long enough to change how they think.
If you meant something else, disregard, and explain, or don't..
CA fb fren in the convoy said they've released 1 million so far when I asked her if she had any 1st hand info about it.
no sauce. take it fwiw.
this is a redpill even if they don't get all of it. In fact, maybe moreso if that happens.
>those poor truckers