Any government that violated the Nurnberg Code and mandated vaccinations (legally a form of rape) is aPathocracy
Any government that violated the Nurnberg Code and mandated vaccinations (legally a form of rape) is aPathocracy
Together we win!!!
62,000 American Truckers headed to Canada. Those not allowed inside will sit at the boarder. States involved are as follows; Kentucky, Tennessee, New York , North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia . with Lisa Akins. BTW the convoy in Canada has made the Guinness book of world records for the longest convoy.
On twitter check this hashtag for videos and more info…
FARHAD DAFTARY, The Assassin Legends: Myths of the Isma'ilis(I. B. Tauris & Co. Ltd: London, 1994), 213 pp.
Farhad Daftary's The Assassin Legends offers the reader a brief yet provocative history of the history of the Nizari Isma'ilis, an important Shi'a minority sect whose exotic and sinister presence as the "Assassins" in the cultural imagination of the West extends from the time of the first crusades to the nineteenth century and beyond. By tracing the shifting triangular relations between Sunni Muslims, Isma'ilis, and the Christian West as they evolve through eight centuries of intercultural and intertextual contact, conflict, and collaboration, Daftary charts the evolution and dissemination of a series of 'black' legends that feature the politically significant Persian and Syrian Isma'ili Muslim communities. Drawing on the findings of modern Islamic studies (the pioneering work of Wladimir Ivanow, Marshall G. Hodgson, Bernard Lewis, Norman Daniel, R. W. Southern, and others) and previously unpublished, untranslated, and untapped Isma'ili texts, Daftary outlines a history of distortion and mystification, and critiques the collaborative invention of a tradition of terror that continues to surround, albeit to a far lesser extent, even modern-day Isma'ilis, who today "account for about ten percent of the entire Muslim society of around one billion persons" (2).
In The Assassins, published in 1968, Bernard Lewis proposes that the Isma'ili Shi'as "may well be the first terrorists."
An early stronghold of the Ismaili was Yemen. Now do you understand the constant war in that area?
Also, Justin Trudeau is intimately connected with the current Ismaili leader, Aga Khan.
Europe is organizing convoys too
Canada was the shot heard round the world
Now we know why Q said…
Watch CA
Attention! We must
Organize by country
Create group for each country if one has not been made
Then organize for each individual movement
Then we make a demonstration in each countries capital
Then we converge on Brussels as a united Europe on the 7th February
Channels so far
Please share this far and wide!
Europe Convoy
Canada Convoy 🇨🇦
Australia Convoy 🇦🇺
Finland Convoy 🇫🇮
Netherlands Convoy 🇳🇱
Czechoslovakian Convoy 🇨🇿
Belgian Convoy 🇧🇪
American Convoy 🇺🇸
French Convoy 🇫🇷
Italian Convoy 🇮🇹
Spain Convoy 🇪🇸
Rivera Sunspeaks about the draft…
This is a fascinating thing to watch because although she does use some of the platitudes associated with the Left, even mentioning the Green New Deal, she also speaks about fundamental rights,
forced slavery in several forms, and the concept of Civil Resistance.
She is also the author of a dozen or so books, starting with theDandelion Insurrectiontrilogy.
And whether she is doing this purposely or not, I think he work is a key element to getting supporters of socialism and the left to Unite with the so-called conservative right.
Both groups oppose the 1% of elite oligarchs who dominate the 99% of us as feudal lords.
A Dandelion spreads it seeds everywhere. You can bury those seeds, but that just helps the dandelions to sprout. Imagine a world in which an Insurrection rose up against the elite in a totally decentralised way, sprouting up from every corner of society and every part of the country.
This is what Q's Drop #4953 was all about
We're not gonna take it anymore
It's what truckers' #FreedomConvoy2022 in Canada is all about
We need to run with this and get better at explaining to the left how
* Socialism is Bullying
* Progressivism is progressing toward Fascism
* The Nazis of 1930's Germany were SOCIALISTS
* Communism is Fascism because it unifies the state with the corporation
* And we the people are fighting for our freedom and inalienable rights
Once we all agree on freedom and inalienable rights, the rest is negotiable, and if everyone could stop using the corrupt, contaminated terminology of 19th century politics, we could actually fix our society and our planet. UNITY IS THE KEY. And you can't get there by bullying.
Is it a coincidence that she writes these essays asThe Man From The North
And it is Canadian Truckers who have kicked off the uprising
The shot heard round the world was from Canada this time.
This is Drop #4953, the very last drop by Q
Could it be showing us how the war ends?
YouTube blocked the video URL
But if you search YouTube for the tag O1l-nR1Apj4
One of the choices is this video…
If you search google for O1l-nR1Apj4
It leads to a Facebook page like this one attached
Which pretty much confirms that the above URL is the right video.
Not only do the lyrics describe how WE THE PEOPLE bring the Revolution to and end
But the Video has many examples of WE THE PEOPLE
Gathering together and OUTNUMBERING the DeepState criminals
We can overwhelm them by shear numbers
Civil disobedience trumps open civil war.
Q's most important message was in the last drop
Non violent uprising
Overwhelm the enemy with sheer numbers
Act locally where you live
The way to take away the power from the top of the pyramid
Is to stop delegating your power to far away strangers
Stop delegating political powers to DC
Stop spending your money at huge business monopolies
Strengthen your local economy and community
The wheels of the trucks go round and round…
Another word for going round is=Revolution==
And that is what Canadians did
Act locally…
They did not wait for Trump!!!