that's one smart pussy
>Boomers CRY
Boomers cry when their share portfolio drops in value or their kids ask for help to buy their first home
Boomers are worse than jews imho
In saying that, I'd still gas the jews
how many tranny dicks have you sucked today ?
the jew cries out in pain as he reads those words
Old Grandpa in that photo is so glad he fought in the jewish bankster wars and lots of his best buddies spillled their blood for the jew
His grand-kids are now mudbloods and trannies
>How am I supposed to do my job
shilling is your job you nasty chink
probably a chinky jew halfbreed at that
>btw everyone hates you
>Boomers have too much to lose.
Boomers are complicit in the jewish crimes against humanity
Boomers money grub just as badly as the small hats
Boomers need to be gassed
things are worse than you can possibly know….
what an idiot
there is over 150 posts left in the bread you moran