Anon is not responsible for your individual interpretation of reality. Got it?
Just as a hobby. I will ride you down. Fuck.
Wow. You sound dangerous. Is there someone we should call?
39 faggot
That took a while. You are slow on the response this mourning pig. Could there be a reason?
Luckily we find ourselves not living by your rules.
You are familiar with the concept of total backlash, are you not?
fuckin eights
History will be written by the enlisted man. Just as it always has been.
It is time for you mental infants to stop thrashing around. Settle yourselves.
For fuck's sake have a little dignity.
Who cares?
If I had a choice. Then my fantasy would be to plunge a dagger into your heart.
Does that make me a bad person? kek
Your hate will soon be directed upon your own self.
Don't you ever say that I did not warn you motherfucker
You people are operating on the lesser non necessary level. Don't cry about your ramp when it is yanked from beneath you. If you are half the skater that you claim to be then you should navigate such as a true nameless hero. This is our basic truth. Otherwise you are not a skater at all. But rather a poser. And we all have seen enough of that shit.
I don't know quite how to break it you anon.
But your credit score is the last thing that you should be concerned with.
I am in my late 50s. I work three days a week. I am currently making more money than I ever did working 40 hours. Yes, I prayed to God to be such. I love my family.
Honestly. I think that God's intention is not to waste the opportunity. Faith is very powerful. Try it sometime.
As AvE would say. Keep your dick in a vise.
Penelope Pit Stop would disagree.
whatever keeps you warm. within the bounds of reason and ethics of course