let's revisit the questions i posed last night, which you conveniently side-stepped and deflected.
boomers, born 45-59 (YOUR definition, from YOUR post last nite) didn't become a voting bloc until 1976 or later. riddle me thisโฆ (i'll help, since you're unable to give a simple HONEST yes or no answer).
did boomers elect nixon? NO
did boomers elect johnson? NO
did boomers start the vietnam war? NO
did boomers elect truman? NO
did boomers start the korean war? NO
did boomers create the welfare state? NO
did boomers get us into WWII? NO
did boomers elect FDR? NO
did boomers cause the stock market crash of '29? NO
did boomers sign the treaty of versailles, which in turn caused WWII? NO
did boomers pass prohibition which in turn created the mafia? NO
did boomers give cunts the vote? NO
did boomers create the federal reserve? NO
did boomers elect wilson? NO
did boomers get us into WWI? NO
did boomers write or sign the balfour agreement? NO
did boomers create the gilded age? NO
did boomers stand by while the robber barrons (vanderbilt, rockefeller, etc) stole the country? NO
i could do this going back another century if you like, but there are post limits.
now 'splain again how boomers and ONLY boomers are responsible for jews taking over america?