It's good Biden is trying to bring the pussy ratio to where Clinton left it.
Kek. Love y'all.
Channel, this isn't very good at all. I can't rap too. We've got something in common. Wanna date?
I accept.
Sorry, I meant to send me this.
I'll let you belive.
If the powers that be said no. Here.
Me, new P request a new ball and G album without any studio prerequisite. I love tall, burn me or not.
I will produce it myself.
How do I not play this?
Sorry I'm late, but she needs a baby. Real talk or bust.
That's how it works across the globe, but I'm sure you figured that out already.
I'll have to have it shipped from north Korea.
It doesn't matter because I win.
Who dat?
Fuck all you WHO SAID I can't be black and proud.
Fine. Here.
Read the script or, at least, the dossier.
Mask on.
Sure. Tell Joe I said Hi.
Biden, faggot?
And they continue to ignore the problem at my southern boarder. I've tried to be peaceful.
Bye niggers.
Somebody tell code monkey he's a fag.
Just like always.