(((Environmentalists))) and their JEW-LOVING BOOMERS always say that whether it is true or not. 99% of the time, it is NOT TRUE.
Jews and their JEW-LOVING BOOMERS hate to take NO for an answer.
This should teach us all a lesson.
The CANADIANS. The most polite people on earth, who will apologize to you if you step on their foot, have more balls than any any JEW-LOVING BOOMER or their JEW MASTERS.
Let that sink in to that JEW-Brainwashed brain of yours.
You say that everyday you FAGGOT BOOMER JEW. Good riddance. You are unworthy to read my posts anyway you FUCKING NATION DESTROYING CUNT!
True. Boomer cowardice spreads like corona, only the cowardice is real.
GaRy doens't meme. GaRy is a poo-poo head.
Nice argument, STUPID!
Did your jew prof teach you that or did you learn that from your rabbi?
Except that there are no the jew-loving millennials, and no jew-loving genXers, and no jew-loving zoomers, and nothe jew-loving greatgen.
That title belongs exclusively to you JEW-LOVING BOOMER SCUM who can't suck enough JEW-MUTILATED COCK, no matter how mutilated the JEWISH COCK is.
What do you want to know? I will do my best to disappoint you.
In theory, all of the votes have to be counted before 12:00 on the day of election, with the idea that legal ballots received by the time allotted are to be counted.
Anything received after the time, is not counted.
Using statistical analysis, there is no reason why a winner of an election should be announced on the evening of election. And it worked that way until the JEW-LOVING BOOMERS decided to allow JEWS to have control over everything, including elections.
Boomer doubling down against Free Speech. Who would have thought it possible?
Take the good with the bad, anon.
It is called life.
Your analysis of me is pretty funny, and I have to admit, I keked all the way through it.
Thanks for putting so much thought into my mental state!
You truly care.
KEK. You have my vote!
Thanks for that. You can look it up, as it is true, but if there are any other lawfags on tonight that want to weigh in against my position, which is in the Constitution, they should feel free, so I can jamb my fist up their asses.
Why wait until tomorrow. I will bite you right now.
Wow, anon! You went to a lot of trouble to make Gary memes. Gary is pleased with your work. Keep it up.
If you could, make one with my fist going up your ass. Thanks.
Jews, through their control over the patent office can pick and choose which tech you get to have and which tech you don't get to have.
If it helps humanity, guess what?
Simple as.
Many of us knew that the jews would play the ALIEN card since the 1980's. I never thought that they would become so desperate, but, here we are!
Welcome to Earth, Alf!
Because everyone that did manage to duplicate the work has either been paid off or murdered.
Bingo. Sadly, many people have never heard of Copyright. You are just as protected, and jews can't jew you out of your invention.
Many such cases.
I offered. Your loss.
Many people who have not been brain damaged by the jew believe that the seat of consciousness is not within the mind or body, but within the cosmos itself.
Just sayin.
God protects me, anon. But thanks for the heads up.
No, STUPID. I am telling you that the jews manipulated the game. I will further state that BOOMERS could have stoped that shit at anytime, but why stop a good thing when you can help your jew masters, Destroy America, and eliminate the White races?
You fucking boomer have been in control over congress for ages. Gen X and Z are a stark minority.
Do you even have a brain?
You keep fucking up. The last boomer was born in 1964. 1964, you STUPID BOOMER.
Get your basic facts straight and then I will deal with you.
PS. Provide sources for your bullshit arguments.
I didn't evade anything. I crammed your argument back up your ass where it came from originally.
And the graphic shows that BOOMERS are in the MAJORITY and HAVE BEEN SINCE THE 1980's, you DIMWITTED BOOMER.
Your point is MOOT.
You Boomers fucked up. The world is shit. There is nothing to deny because it is a FACT of LIFE.
Yes, boomer. I read that the first time you posted that, six times ago.
If it that thought, along with your milk of magnesia helps you sleep better tonight, then good for you.
You Boomers dropped the ball and we are all paying for it.
Hit a BOOMER nerve, did I.
So sorry.
The fact is, you BOOMERS have had, and continue to possess the economic and political power to take over government, and set things right.
No matter. You fuckers will die off at some point, and then the adults that are left, provided that we have managed to extract ourselves from this JEWISH POLICE STATE YOU BOOMERS HELPED YOUR JEW MASTERS CREATE, can change the things you BOOMERS were TOO LAZY and GREEDY to change.
I wasn't born in 1952. Jesus. Are you having some sort of an LSD flashback?
You crack me up. I have boomer sibs, but my parents were silent generation.
I am going to bed. See you tomorrow.
Have a good night.