Marketing the property as “easy access to Ft Huachuca”, would place it up there with high level spookesity. JusSay’n
Great, as if the world isn’t filled with enough sexual dysphoria already.
To comment further:
Natural occurring Schizophrenia (always a statistical baseline in every culture and demographic yet naturally low when people are left alone), is ALSO soundly speculated as a ‘desirable’ trait in modern day “Intelligence” recruitment (for its high moral malleability). Schizophrenia itself does not necessarily lead to sexual dysphoria, however sexual dysphoria will often lead to schizophrenia (confusion, cascading into further confusion).
This entire fucking mess being MADE by Gov/Media/Med… and undoubtedly a massive component of a globally integrated “Intelligence Community” (by virtue of NOT stopping any of this shit)…
Fits like the biggest puzzle piece of all… how this nightmare was concocted, designed, coordinated, launched, guided, adjustabled, recalibrated, marketed, pushed….
A gigantic bunch of dipshites, floated to the tippytop of “Intel”… and wish to see the world in their own “image”… stupid, crazy, and sterile.
If one’s own life is a “dead end”… androgynous and schizo-crazy…
One might as well be demonically-deadly to everyone else around them. You can call it demonic if you like, because with or without actually Horns, the results would/could/will be mostly indistinguishable.