should be observing similar movements from american elites
these movements are generally to officially labeled as "related to potential conflict"
but are used when @cabal is trying to [START] a conflict; they start getting in their bunkers before they try to instigate situations further.
at some point; their final move will be to hide out and bunker down anywhere and everywhere they can find refuge from int'l prosecution.
>Why not make a planet to train and level souls?
why not live on the planet instead of "making" it like gods?
that is just called being part of the uni-verse
but why do you want to "make" a planet to "train" souls?
do you not think the soul is trained without your help?
your perspective must beโฆ convenient.
considering it doesn't include you being "trained" in anything except "training" others to be genetic "superiors" like your @cabal family
get your satanic brainwash out of here
is your father the pervert that raped your family?
wtf is true bread?
sick fuck
this is some serious @cabal schizo shit
i cannot believe they are here posting this shit
@cabalmember bible interpretations
as far as i can tell..
see how <problematicthe first ones could be without the entire scripture quoted.
i just know of this one and only this oneโฆ but I bet there are lots regarding "the father" which can be misinterpreted to the young cabal family members.
poor information flow from @groundlevel to @sat being recognized by @sat
@me is going to play video games for a bit
so I will miss any relevant content
look for people who are ABOUT to [tell] you critical things to say/do
because they have requested that I "be given a break"
and that is usually an "in" for @cabal
errr "your boss" that is subordinate to.. someone @usfg.
watch for inconsistency in my absence.
i am literally leaving
or they will not do it
because they dont want me to have access to the classified nature of the data
and wont post/share until i am UNABLE to see it.
and i am not going to check later either
i will just have to address the impact of whatever occurs.
cya :)
i basically have my arms tied by choice
better or me to let them try shady shit behind my back
rather than get involved trying to stop them at each step of the way; been doing thatโฆ trying to step back a bit.
like if I go back and view information deemed "classified", even if it is public relay in this backchannel, i "become" a "threat to the state" for viewing the data
anyway. to me it is a childish game of @cabal/bidencrimefamily.
i play it this way to win.
i want people to see what they are up to.
i am not going to argue with [their] "logic"
as that is not logic within itself
see the brainwash, i call it the crime of omission
it is never a lie what they tell you, it is wrong to hide what they dont tell you
they are almost ALWAYS [lie by omission] or [distraction]
when those tactics fail they move to [appeasement] or [manipulation with official authority]
when that fails
it is lies on [document/email/phone]
and all these tactics are rehashed and replayed 101 times over
and let me add here
very relevant
my phone is ringing
must be [cabal general] from US army..
fake classified phone call.
will return shortly cause that is @fbi surv.
should be? unless they are locking you out from @mil/@cia
>fake classified phone call.
process was already in motion
i havent made it to the video game
but the phone call arrived.
the problem is there is no warrant on the other side of that phone call
but whatever "movie" she is referencing and "can't remember" [ANYTHING ABOUT IT]
not one word
i asked her twice "what was the movie about"
"i dont remember"
"nope, don't remember"
whatever movie it is that she said "my brain is live a siv"
is the evidence she refuses to share that @sat is demanding and/or asking for (can't tell) @sat says request, but not being fulfilled by @army
anyway. the "documentary" that is being discussed is INSTRUCTIVE for their "general" to "stay up to date" on some issueโฆ or likely.. multiple issues.
cause that was an @fbiagent movie recommendation for an @armyofficer being intercepted by @cia/@un/@mil
I must have triggered the phone call posting hereโฆ
@army observation of @q may be compromised.
more local involvement @ the border
truffle more!!!!!
Texas is refusing further rendition without more paperwork and possibly with it.
There was a breakdown in the headcount moving individuals from Texas NE and it occurred @ an adoption agency in which registered more children than actually arrived w/ false document attached for guardianship with other hispanic families (@sat added false doc part just now)
@ICEauthority is stuck in classified briefing and seems unable to exit imm.
@sat reccommends agent enter the briefing
as the @ICEauthority is being [silenced] on the issue and wishes to return to <the forceoutside of the classified areas to relay the [SEVERE INCONSISTENCIES] being relayed to @properICEauth regarding the @usfg need to "investigate the issue further" without anything further to say on the adoption center issue.