Where are the Chief Judges? Where is Parliament? Where are the Cabinet Ministers?
Who speaks for Canada today? This is WAY WAY bigger than you can imagine.
The Canadian Government HAS NO DEFENSE for their CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY
Where are the Chief Judges? Where is Parliament? Where are the Cabinet Ministers?
Who speaks for Canada today? This is WAY WAY bigger than you can imagine.
The Canadian Government HAS NO DEFENSE for their CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY
SPECIAL MASTER = Feel free to submit any question so I can manufacture a cover up lie in response.
SPECIAL MASTER = You'll NEVER see the smoking gun evidence I'm paid to hide from you.
Always remember anons, it's not the crime in politics that sends you to jail. It's the COVER UP.
Hello Karen Fann
All the:
Parliament members
Government Workers
that pushed lockdowns and destroying Canadian lives live in Ottawa. Or… used to live in Ottawa.
Ottawa is the City that is keeping the rest of Canada in lockdown and forcing inhuman demands.
Ottawa is ground zero for the fascist takeover of Free Canada. The birds have come home to roost.
This is the place to deliver the news.
We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
What is NATO credibility today anons? Remember - Trust the Plan. Less than 10 know the full plan. Plan is worldwide. They must be pushed into the light.
NATO and Canada being pushed into the light for all to see. All anons at your posts. Rally/Ukraine/Ottawa. These narratives are narratives the Cabal can't run from if we can get some traction.
Russian Roar On Ukraine Rings Hollow To Latin America Allies
January 29, 2022
Senior Russian officials have warned Moscow could deploy troops or military assets to Cuba and Venezuela if the U.S. and NATO insist on meddling.
It was a classic Russian power play with echoes of Cold War gamesmanship.
Shortly after entering into service in 2019, Russia's most advanced warship made a goodwill tour of the Caribbean, armed with cruise missiles, air defense systems and other weapons.
But when the Admiral Gorshkov sailed into the port of Havana, it was closely tailed by a Russian rescue tugboat — a sign to many that Moscow doubted the vessel's reliability and the visit was nothing more than a feeble effort to project power.
Russia is once again rattling its saber amid rising tensions over Ukraine, hinting that the U.S. refusal to heed its demands could spur closer military cooperation with allies in Latin America. In recent days, several senior Russian officials have warned Moscow could deploy troops or military assets to Cuba and Venezuela if the U.S. and NATO insist on meddling on Russia's doorstep.
U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan quickly dismissed Russia's tit-for-tat threats. On the heels of its massive troop buildup on its border with Ukraine, Russia's ability to mobilize troops in the Western Hemisphere, thousands of miles away, is limited at best, experts contend.
"This is pure misdirection and it's not fooling anyone," said Kevin Whitaker, a former U.S. ambassador to Colombia who also served as a diplomat in Venezuela, Nicaragua and as head of the Office of Cuban Affairs in Washington. "It's not real power projection. It's a showpiece and nothing more."
But even if talk of troop deployments is mostly bluster, Russia's strategic buildup in Latin America is real, posing national security threats in what generations of U.S. policy makers have referred to as "Washington's backyard."
In the past decade, as the U.S. influence in the region has waned, Moscow — and to a lesser extent other far-flung adversaries like China and Iran — have quietly cemented ties with authoritarian governments in Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela through a mix of weapons sales, financing deals and intense diplomatic engagement.
Moscow helped Venezuela design a cryptocurrency, forgave a $35 billion Cuba debt and runs a high-tech anti-narcotics compound in Nicaragua that many believe is a covert beachhead for spying across the region.
Time and again, Russia has shown a willingness to leverage its sizable military whenever it has felt threatened by the U.S.
In 2008, Moscow sent a pair of Tu-160 nuclear-capable bombers to Venezuela amid tensions with the U.S. over Russia's brief war with Georgia, a deployment followed that year by the arrival of the "Peter the Great" warship.
Russia sent more Tu-160s in 2018 as relations with the West plunged to post-Cold War lows over Ukraine, and the military even hinted it was considering setting up an air base on tiny La Orchilla Island, so small that landing military aircraft there would have been nearly impossible.
Even in countries friendlier to the U.S., like Mexico and Colombia, Russia has been accused of spying or engaging in disinformation campaigns to shape elections. A senior Colombian military official recently traveled to Washington to brief U.S. officials on Russian attempts to penetrate the communications of the country's top military command, a person familiar with the visit told The Associated Press, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive issue.
Russia Agrees To Move Naval Exercises Away From Irish Coast After Outcry
Russia will not conduct naval exercises in international waters off the southwest coast of Ireland next week as planned, Moscow's ambassador to Ireland said on January 29.
Ambassador Youry Filatov said in a statement that Russia decided to relocate the naval exercises as a "gesture of goodwill" to Dublin and Irish fishing groups. Ireland was notified last week that the exercises would take place about 240 kilometers off its southwest coast within its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) but not its territorial waters.
The announcement of the drills, originally planned for February 3-8, had caused considerable controversy in Ireland. Some Irish fishermen had expressed concern that the use of military sonar could damage marine life and some said they planned to protest near the area where they were due to take place. Earlier this week Filatov told Irish authorities that there were no grounds for concern over the maneuvers and said Ireland had been “duly notified” about the exercises, according to TASS. But the statement on January 29 said in response to the requests from the Irish government and the Irish South and West Fish Producers Organisation, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu decided to relocate the exercises “as a gesture of goodwill” outside the EEZ “with the aim not to hinder fishing activities by the Irish vessels in the traditional fishing areas."
It is not known where the naval exercises will take place. Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney said on Twitter he had written to Shoigu to ask that Russia reconsider conducting the exercises off the Irish coast. “This evening I received a letter confirming the Russian exercises will be relocated outside of Ireland’s EEZ. I welcome this response,” Coveney said. The plans were especially unwelcome at a time when the United States and other Western countries fear Russia could be preparing to invade Ukraine after amassing more than 100,000 troops near its borders. Russia denies it is planning any invasion of its neighbor. Ireland, which is not a member of NATO, has not independently had a stake in efforts to resolve tensions over Ukraine.
A regrouping of NATO forces. France wants to send several hundred soldiers to Romania
French Defense Minister Florence Parly recalled in an interview with a radio station on Saturday that President Emmanuel Macron has recently expressed his readiness to “become more involved in new NATO missions, in particular in Romania.” She reported that she had been visiting the country on Thursday and had conducted the relevant interviews.
Florence Parly said Romania is in a danger zone and needs support. “In Eastern Europe, the security situation is worrying. France stands by Romania’s side. As President Macron pointed out, we are ready to strengthen our presence in Romania as part of the NATO mission,” she wrote on January 27 on Twitter.
Russia has deployed more than 100,000 troops and heavy military equipment along the border with Ukraine, which raises concerns that it is preparing for aggression against that country.
Russia is organizing medical assistance at the border with Ukraine
Meanwhile, according to Russian independent media, Russia is organizing emergency medical assistance in regions bordering Ukraine. Earlier, the Russian analytical website Conflict Intelligence Team reported that Moscow concentrated over 100,000 soldiers around Ukrainian borders. NATO countries warned that in the event of aggression against Ukraine, they would impose severe sanctions on Russia.
Meduza portal, citing reports from Reuters, wrote that Russia is collecting blood in medical centers near the border with Ukraine. According to Medusa, on this basis it can be assessed at what stage the preparations for a possible armed conflict are at.
The Russian website, citing information from The Wall Street Journal, also pointed out that military medical units had been deployed near the border. According to analysts from the Conflict Intelligence Team, Russian troops are located in border regions, including Rostov, Voronezh and Briansk. Moscow also sent its troops to Belarus, where in two weeks’ time a joint exercise codenamed “Union Firmness – 2022” is to begin. Some of the units will operate near the borders of Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine.
Russian independent commentators point out that while Russia is demanding guarantees from the West, it is escalating tensions itself.
Fakenews is beating war drums and nobody is listening. Anons can steal the narrative.
Not pointed at you at all anon. I randomly post that a couple of times a bread to make it clear the intent of the board for less than noble entities that think they can practice dark arts here.
House of Commons for Canada (in Ottawa) re-convenes 31 Jan 2022 at 11am EST
memers we need a Smokey and the Bandit IWO STAT!!! Kek
What about a Trucker IWO Banner?
Trump Rally Tailgating is the best Tailgating and I see no decrease in it's future.
Everybody pack your bags and get over here to Q Research. BO/BV's have this place lit up like a Christmas Tree.
QR is THE PLACE to be. Quit fucking around on dying boards and get your asses in here.
I'm going to spill this. Off topic but necessary to combat the scurrilous claims that somehow Q+ had something to do with the vaccine killing fields.
Q+ pulled back the curtain and a world dominating secret society that was about to euthanize 6 billion humans. To suggest that Q+ was a part of the genocide of the human race is a damn snake crawling possessed psycho LIE. Trump and anons SAVED 10's of millions of humans and stopped the implementation of a mass genocide system that was being built by psychopaths that fed off us like cattle.
Q+ and anons are united as fuck. Fuck you asshole liars.