he is right, ep and crew is working on the FF
it's disinfo, nothing else, brits have nothing to deploy and russia couldn't care less to invide the garbage heap that is ukraine, nato have nothing to show for only hot air and a bunch of trannies
you have already lost and you know it, you have nothing to play with and your bluff is called, the only thing left is to nuke the world to not loose face but you'll loose the nuclear war as well
in thess than two weeks Russia and China will announce a military alliance, game over. add Iran and a bunch of other countries to that and the UK/UK world domination is no-moe
the US as a nation is already falling apart under the weight of the synagogue of satan, it is spiritually morally finsihed, they have rendered you irrelevant, the last thing remaining is to suicide-nuke what is left. considering the amount of karma you have earned it will not be pretty
what are you, an idiot? you think Luke is around as well