ramming clam, burning flan?
just a guess caught my eye.
can't believe you faggots are still using that shit meme.
that was pretty funny
i can't believe you have not blown your worthless brains out yet. There is still time.
i do really appreciate his no bullshit energy. Can't wait to see Trump tonight.
because you are a bitch and a fag, isn't that enough.
oooh i like that one.
have another you while i dream of your family getting executed.
he always does. I hope kimberly does not follow him though she always brings the energy back down. ….
Ok chink, whatever.
Wrong. Those are the old rules. We do not play by those rules. Your live is going to be over soon enough, you should really think about taking the easy way out since you are a coward after all. Just go to sleep.
why would i do that. Filtering is a bitch move.
shes shrill. Never liked her on Fox either.
it looks like it lost weight. Cheek bones are more pronounced.
perhaps. I don't give a shit one way or the other really either. But you do you anon. I am going to have some fun shit posting on some retards and enjoy the rally tonight.
i'll help ya out, but give me a heads up on what an IWO is ?
oh no! HAHAHAH
so you want the iwo jima guys in that? I like the 8-bit image just figuring out how to merge the two and trying to decide does it even make sense to do so? Unless i am misunderstanding you.