5 days is not much, it's your lifestyle now. It can take months to feel something sometimes. It's like working out for a while and you finally glimpse in the mirror and see it all come out almost at once.
You can go insane in those abstract realms unfortunately. I've gone through serious ruts of depression even at the mere realization of certain things. Although it was all worth it in the end finding out being human is an absolutely amazing experience and stuffz.
That being said… human females are the most beautiful physical beings in the Universe. Prove me wrong.
Oh btw you're the anon from last bread… you didn't answer my question.
If the Universe is cold and Life = Light = Heat… how did the spark of life/light/heat happen in a totally frozen abyss? 2 quarks smashing together? God is somewhere in the Atom (Adam), maybe the neutron (which keeps everything stable/in order).
I think I have a good idea of what my soul mate will look like now.
I think the Universe is and always has been infinite because by definition, nothing does not exist and we clearly exist and you can't make something out of nothing. But even in infinity you can still perceive moments in time and experience it. Even within infinity it can take an infinite amount of time for something to finitely progress… this is the part where my brain starts to hurt.
Engaged? Can't occur naturally? One topic I should really look into but seems like I need a solid background in shit I don't understand yet which requires a massive amount of sacrifice paid with time to even begin to comprehend..
Humans have the hardware to perceive time through memory which we can thank our brains for. It all happens quite smoothly which we should be thankful for, doesn't hurt we have super HD vision and surround sound too.
The bible says He always was and always is, God is infinite like everything else. He is the alpha and the omega. The beginning and the end.
It only too infinities of time to progress infinitely finitely…