Didn't have the chance to see POTUS's rally last night. Any comms for anons? Anything?
Wall Street ain't gonna collapse over this. Probably take a hit but collapse? No. The Great Reset is going to do that all by itself. But, if the Truckers set the parking brake and refuse to deliver, within 2 weeks the government will be folding like a cheap paper bag. The people will be ready to hang them. The trucks don't move? Nothing else does. That, is a fucking fact.
Good fucking grief. Ain't you got bigger problems than your small, cut dick? Fucking world is falling apart and you're on here talking about dicks. Infant dicks to boot. GTFOH and go annoy someone else you infant dick obsessed idiot.
Fuck off.
>Q indicated they will never allow another satanic POS to ever occupy the WH again.
Well, What's in there today? That's exactly what has been allowed to happen. People had better educate themselves on the Great Reset and how it is going to transform EVERYTHING.
There are some very powerful players at the helm of this evil especially in finance, banking, big corporations etc……..They are going to force you, me and the entire population to participate in their woke fucking economy and if your ESG score is too low, you will not be able to buy toilet paper much less get a loan, buy a house, car, firearms, ammunition, a fucking hamburger. Your company makes a widget used in the oil industry? You will be put ut of business.
And the military? They ain't going to do jack fucking shit about anything. The top tier are in on it. They prosper and will be just fine.
Where is this at anon? Georgia?
Yea, fuck neil young. Talentless piece of shit. Understand joni mtichell has now pulled her tunes. Who gives a fuck? Never like her either. I think these people and there will be moar, are gonna find out, no one gives a shit about their music.
Man, do I hope and pray you are right because to this point, this thing is crumbling and out of fucking control. I think it's time for some Devolution. Time to pay. And pay hard. P-A-I-N.
>There are still plenty of real men in the shadows that can still drink from the skulls of enemies if they are pushed to the precipice for their inherent rights to freedom. History proves this
You are damn fucking right about that anon. I'm one of them. Not gonna start it, but will fucking finish it if need be. I ain't gonna live on my knees for no fucking man. Ever.
Maria coming on. Just hit the nail on the head. CCP. Pulling all the strings they've paid for.
Ain't you got something better to do? Filtered.
Go anyway. Can a hand full of State Troopers stop 10k people? 20K? Good fucking luck with that. Perhaps the SP should join them. That's really what it is going to take. For those who uphold the law to quit taking orders, unlawful orders at that, from these fucking tyrants. As a matter of fact, when a order like that is given? The SP should arrest the motherfucker giiving that order. It is time to quit fucking around with these people. They have proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that they are unfit to govern a civil society. and unfit to participatte in a civil society. P-A-I-N for all of them.
Not without sever consequences. Especially here in God's USA. Gonna fuck around? Gonna find out.
Maria is on. Patriot!! Gonna tell it like it is.
Says the inane stupid motherfucker who has never lived under communism. GTFO then. You want communism? Plenty of places for you to go.
Then they are supporting what?
Man, you are one blithering moran anon. You need a Capitalism 101 class if you ain't got it by now. Just because a slew of tyrants misuse and abuse the capitalist system does not make capitalism itself, bad. I worked my fucking ass off for over 3 decades and I retired a millionaire. I didn't own a company. I worked for one that participated in CAPITALISM. The economic engine that has lifted billions out of sheer poverty. Can you point to another economic system that has done that? I'll wait.
Well, you go ahead and do that anon. We'll all wait and see how you do. In the meantime the rest of us will live in the reality that we built, worked hard for and are enjoying the fruits of our labor. Let us all know how that works out for you. In the meantime, get off your fucking ass and go get a job. I'm tired of paying for lazy fucks like you sitting around believing that someone owes you something.
No deal.