comes to free speech board
filters out free speech
oh, the ironic keks !
"anons know"
oh, are you trying to create "consensus" ?
how novel for a one post shill to do that
straight from the playbook
wasted devil quads
hey then shill, keep posting !
every post you make confirms your shill-shit agenda
make 10 posts and you'll earn 10c today !
your boss might give you a bonus reach-around if you suck her dick enough
using red text now, you obvious shill
trying to smear anons with unfounded allegations
what's your next Alinsky tactic ?
ask your boss for advice ?
'tard, keep posting, please
anons will see your obvious intent
you are here to attack and divide anons
you glow brighter than a full moon
become ungovernable
why would you make up a special meme to attack OSS ?
it proves you have a pre conceived agenda against that anonโฆ..
clearly malevolent intent on your part !
so, posting muh jew memes will help your shill agenda ?
attack and divide is your schtick
alinsky tactics once again, on your part
who is your Handler ?
obvious shill is obvious