Ok Anons,
We have something nice for you.
A perfect picture of POTUS in action.
You all remember the obama & killery era political campain ads when they talked about being there for the potentially important 3am phone calls. And then the bastards hid & slept during Benghazi and a couple other things. And we all know POTUS was there for his 2am appointment to greet the Crazy Fat Kid's 3 hostages arriving at the airport. All the while I was wondering why he didn't schedule it for 3am, as a slap in the face to the prior kenyon administration. As I watched the evening unfold, I kept hoping for some delays. Sure enough, it got close to 3am. I was counting down the minutes. Then at 2:59, I started counting down the seconds. Then, with less than one seventh of a second to go before the clock changed to 3:01, the 3rd and final hostage poked his head out of the plane. Just his face is visible next to POTUS's left shoulder. I couldn't believe he made it on time. I was able to pause and rewind the TV to that exact split second and take a picture. It is likely the only one that shows BOSS POTUS, LOVELY FLOTUS & The 3 Amigos along with the clock showing EXACTLY 3:00! I was going to save this one for the 2020 campain but I figure you guys can get it to your bakers and begin making use of it now. POTUS likes details so I think he should see this one ASAP. I did find it odd that later that day speaking with reporters he mentioned he was there at 2am. I think he said it twice. I was wondering why he didn't use the 3am line. Get on your toes WH. I hope you guys can use this pic to shove down the Dems Benghazi throat!