Anonymous ID: e792a3 May 26, 2018, 3:19 p.m. No.1550984   🗄️.is 🔗kun

female leftists will avidly research republican pedovores.

Get them started on thos. Once they find some evidence that links democrats too then the lightbulb goes off (!) "It's about right and wrong!" and not about party politics. Dem female will also.go after repubs on crime but CP offense closes the deal for females.

From dem males make sure they see repub crimes first. Only the pedovores have an unshakeable loyalty to party because they have to. Men actually get it pretty fast if you dont confront but suggest possibilties.

Repilled many.



Anonymous ID: e792a3 May 26, 2018, 3:35 p.m. No.1551106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1144




We have the Elsagate crap. We have to find out if Disney liscensed the characters.

Also people are no longer going on repeated vists to theme parks. They go once and dont return - big change.

Disney scared shitless. Stratedgy is to aqquire recently vacated retail space in malls destroyed by Amazon and to put "satellite mini parks" based largely on VR attractions into those spots.

Disney vulnerable.

History channel. These scum are part of the active subversion campain to.trivialize and falsify US history to.destroy our capacity and confidence in the glorious future we are manifesting here. Sen Charles Grassley's office might be worth coordinating with on Hist.