mac address from vax, yea or nay bitches
mac address from vax, yea or nay bitches
happens all the time
panzy ass blockades by the municipal fags
guy in the top middle looks coked up
Truckers4Fredom hasn't posted to gettr in over 3 hrs; yesterday they were doing updates by the minute.
The organizers also testified in an interview that their GoFundMe was NEVER frozen, despite reports that it was.
Therefore anon disbelieves anything said by anyone or media outlet EXCEPT Truckers4Fredom.
Drivin' My Life Away
True if glorious
grooming the terminal generation, perhaps
ff meh
o this place is gonny save the whirl
buttmonkeys, anon
<3 just what anon needs. Godspeed.
Goodbye, Li'l Justin.
>. My observation, that shows a very high level of organization, and so far there are no efforts by authorities underway to block them.
well spaked
Americans are
Can't believe this took so long to show up here (the supposed Grand Central Station of Information Warfare) and isn't evennotabled
here's the fucking deal
America could never pull off what Canadians are doing right now.
God also corrects, remonstrates, and warns.
Joni Mitchell and Peter Daszak: Using the same same Buzzwords. This is a critical lesson in Propaganda. Who wrote the script?
can ye convoy self-driving trucks?