Streamers tracked the goons. Most retreated from downtown Ottawa. A remaining contingent gathered near what they call "the statue". When given friendly polite but firm Canadian attention at that location, they dispersed. Streamer SBH-Ottawa is still scouring the area for remaining goons. Also, I confirmed with at least one stream host via the chat that these streamers are all well aware of the need to spot operatives and schooled in how to deal with them. There are plenty of patriotic boots on the ground in Ottawa who will greet any and all suspicious activity like a swarm of extremely polite hornets. These based Canucks have their heads on a swivel.
The stream embedded and linked below is also monitoring developments in Australia. Shit is getting REAL downunder, anons. Aussies are gobbling redpills at rates that should not be possible.
God bless Canada, God bless America, God bless Australia, and God bless all Patriots worldwide!