Hillary was KKK mentor lover… these globalist politicians are all closet racists.
May as well make it a triple celebration with Fauci and Wuhan BIOWARFARE LAB genocide.
99% don't give a shit about rainbows. Live and let live… Keep your TRANNY shit to yourself.
"Experts" on media has ZERO credibility by default. They don't know masks don't work, they don't know MRNA vaccines are nonsense, they don't know global warming is a middle class tax… they don't know their mum is a whore.
Why are Canadian commandos helping hide Turdy? They should be kicking his ass for being a traitor.
Fuck whoever the fuck he is.
They better use that money to destroy TURDY.
It's surely time to put a TRUCKERS POLITICAL PARTY together… would be a billion times better then any current political shit party.
Lets hope the Globalist maggots decide to execute him for being a pink knicker fucktard.
If it talks like a faggot, walks like a faggot, smells like a faggot and has two vaginas, it has to be TURDY.
Does TURDY realize he is the new Iraqi Information Minister
Everyone is getting Omicron - it's fucking everywhere. What a pussy.
It's a TURDY
Get FUCKED Turdy
Looking like a bigger ASSHOLE everyday… Pussy is hiding in his pink knickers.
We don't want to hear you are doing fine - we want to know you are on a ventilator.
We can only hope he has complications from his years of ass rape.
Would be HILARIOUS if Fauci kills this pussy.
Fauci did create some shitty pathogen in China's BIowarfare Lab - maybe it just happens to go up Turdy's ass and kill him from there.