Anonymous ID: 2ebc41 Jan. 31, 2022, 9:33 a.m. No.15510838   🗄️.is đź”—kun

The Turning Point – Truckers’ Freedom Convoy Awakens the Sleeping Masses


Unleashed now is the great tidal wave of Awakening that aims to obliterate the tangle of political corruption that has for too long violated our basic rights as Free Humans. As vampires fleeing the breaking dawn, so too will the miriad institutions that have sucked the lifeblood and spirit of our people these past many years. And they shall vanish into oblivion as The Great Awakening embraces the One Humanity across Planet Earth.


Denis Rancourt’s wise words seem a fitting conclusion here;


“I want no gov surveillance, no medical-status controls on access, the right to use cash, no corporate influence on public matters, and far more democracy. Gov must be reset in our service. I will always fight for this….The vaxxed have mass psychosis. The uninjected have crowd resilience. We will win….IT’S NOT COMPLICATED: The gov and employers should not access one iota of information about your medical record, and Pharma concoctions should not be injected into your body by any coercion whatsoever, ever. Period. Really simple. The opposite is rightly an abomination.”

Anonymous ID: 2ebc41 Jan. 31, 2022, 9:42 a.m. No.15510941   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Canadian Government Ready to Sabotage Successful Freedom Convoy 2022


Somewhere deep in an underground bunker over the weekend, Canada’s inglorious Prime Minister was tweeting out messages to his followers to come to his aid—tout de suite! “Immediately,” en anglais!


Red-hot angry, resentful beyond belief; filled to the brim with stored-up spite, the Canadian government’s leader has already gone into hiding under cover of Covid isolation protocol.


Someone must pay the price for the public humiliation of Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and that “someone” are the truckers and supporters who defied him with blaring truck horns and repeated chants of “FREEDOM!” out in the freezing Ottawa cold.


How dare the truckers warn the masses of the shortage of over-the-border food delivery in a Supply Chain fiasco caused by Canadian and U.S. leaders—and defiantly do so right in front of The Land of the Maple Leaf’s Parliament buildings!


Never mind that Trudeau and his liberal cabal have been in those buildings only 19 days since June 23, 2021.