no bot. Just an American trying to help free the Will of humanity from thE grip theSE sickEvl people hAve had for far too loNg. anD their Atrocious Reign Ends WITH Us my BROTHERs and sisters. WE WILL settle for NOthing less that True Freedom fOR all Good pEople around The world. these Are our Nonnegotiable terms You inhuman moTHerfu…and know now and forever that we wont stop ever! there are more and more of us becomING aWarE of your tacticS and sharing The knowledge we hAve gaiNeD with ONE another. WhilE thiS greaT AwakeNing was happening you (fooleD by your egos) thought we were still asleep. your spell has been broken for good(….i love ALL of you, even those on the dark side…..-1) oh yeah I almost forgot, "beep boop"…………………………………………..