Useless faggot, cry if you want. Im focussed on the multiplier effect. If its not here i go elsewhere.
Made and shared ten thousends memes, you cry babies just want to talk in mini circles
I dont twatter, dont want to mingle directly in the US as a EUfag โฆmy focus is on sharing fresh memes on places where people pick it up and share it elsewhere โฆthe multiplier effect.
If there is no multiplier effect my MAGA work is useless on that platform
Just look at #spygate โฆ.3/4 of the posts are from liberals saying its fake and bashing potus
Its a fukking disgrace โฆ.and all of you should be ashamed of yourselves for letting Potus down.
He doesnt twat #spygate on a daily bass for nothing useless faggots