no 52
never go back
when limited to 4D
These concernfags on porn
concerted shills? or housewives?
I don't give a fuck. Your kids should not be watching your computer!!!\
Have a nice day.
planned parenthood tactic
Think of the children
Tick check
mirror - and I don't care if god or devil is the good fucking guy - but if neither are we are fucked.
Free will is defined by the divine
You choose.
Be one or be in control.
choose your mentor wisely.
Less text
and blue on that background
but emotions are key not info
pick the picture that clicks and emotes and then the text.
Free is able to choose from all options available.
Controlled is not or limitations of options.
Trust me USA is getting that too ie FB, YT and Goo.
they are moving to control all.
Last stand
no chasing a couch through a field to go to a cricket match.
We are stronger than you think
We never give up, we never give in, we never give quarter, and we never do not win.
No MF when I win - I Fish and Fillet and Eat.
if you do not know I can shift the options you have not followed me
nas is not
True. But not as you think.
Free will is based upon limitations not control.
You accept your limitations by free will.
You give in to limitations by control
One is more powerful - guess.
Campfire - peace.
she ran away 15 min ago
Limitations. :)
he was extremely happy. never had a day gone so as planned. he decided to go mad ….
you have accepted a limitation. But some shit is beyond the line.
I have nothing valid to follow - and in that case I lead and my agenda may not be yours. But is not invalid. (and I know yours is not)
you did the classic shit
demand freedom and blame
All blame about freedom is personal.
There are few times it is a conspiracy.
It sounds more concernfag.
Bitch buy acad and do it so people get it.
or you start and I will be your bitch
4-8 or even 2 is not a profit. 1-3 may be - using as art and selling it. Also informative but just used as art. Then do subgroups that get it.
others have tried.
Did not really fly - a few got rich but not spread.
Until physics changes no one will get it.
imagine if every harmonic was a meeting point.
Imagine if every thought was a real thing
Imagine if every vibration effected every other
Imagine if a thought was a vibration
Imagine if you were in control of it all as deemed by god?
if you are controlled
You gave it away by choice
We do it all the time
i give control of something to someone I trust my wife or husband or parent.
i give control to my financial manager
I give control to my school
etc etc etc.
Only trusted - who do you trust?
Who uses trust daily?
it is not your husband wife.
was that too much truth?
You give power away.
You give it to those you trust.
That is ok.
But you give it to others too. They abuse it.
You give it away for convince. And they use it for money and power.
To use google and YT and FB - they are given control of you digiatlly.
You give them that.
a good company in the USA will take everything they can legally and push the legal bounds to do it.
Morality has no say in it.
If private companies continue or a corrupt gov is allowed to … sell all the data.
Then we will be in a world that all are controlled.
12 d is seeable.