Not a red-pill but a red-building day, indeed.
At the local coin store, and chatting with the owner. Noticed this Trump Bill under the counter protector, and made a comment. Turned into quite the conversation. In his 80's, told me Trump was the first politician he ever donated to. Told stories of customers. Shared story of Trump in FL and his 50' flag pole, which was not allowed by local regulations. Started getting fined $1k / week, and after 22 weeks, Trump approached and was ready to settle up, saying he wouldn't pay the city, but would donate $22K to the veterans association. When all was done, had a 20 foot mound built, then put a 30' flag pole on top, adhering to local regs. KEK!
2nd pic - at the local watering hole for lunch. Scrabble game was there, so arranged the letters, and put it back into the game box.
So… there was a special on the menu and went back for dinner. Same bartender says - hey, you were in here earlier, do you have anything to do with these 'Q ANON' letters? Huh? What's Q Anon?? Played DUMB as he explained what Q was (not here no board, a reader / follower elsewhere). Talking about it, dozen or so customers are joining conversation and chiming in, turns to pedo and all sorts of things. Am just listening, asking a few leading questions. Planted a few seeds and no one the wiser. Got a good perspective on where those digging and learning are at - we've got a ways to go with clarity of our message anons. Left with a "thank you for telling me about Q, going to check that out". Here since Nov. KEK!