>Fuck anons forget more than most people ever learn in a lifetime
>so that the bis knows what/how the biggest entities on the planet are trading w/each other.
what could go wrong?
>Truckers should have on-freeway refueling like the Air Force where they don't have stop.
they have to stop to sleep anyway.
they both sharpied on their eyebrows. just sayin'.
clearly this is a coded message.
<namefaggot claiming to have big inside connections. in reality, just another namefaggot trying to establish a personality, which is exactly why namefaggotry is disallowed here.
<nombre faggotus ultra
<nom fromage fem du la merde
<when a namefaggot becomes so gay he glows
<namefaggot continuing to namefag because he's a namefaggot
<aggotfay amenay
this is the stupidest shit I've ever seen.
keep going.
even the stupidest of newcomers will see right through it.
tee hee
you two should get a room.
this is the lamest tag team I've seen in quite some time.
for anyone interested, please scroll up and look at my posts.
they're almost all calling out the namefaggot, and for good reason.
oh, and please find a better profession; one that doesn't involve espionage.
who exactly are you doxxing?