Jews love to censor Normal, Decent people to control the narrative.
>inb4 Wales is not a jew.
Uh, huh…
Jews love to censor Normal, Decent people to control the narrative.
>inb4 Wales is not a jew.
Uh, huh…
Happy now, you degenerate faggot BOOMER JEW?
>at least I'm intelligent.
That has yet to be proven.
Glad you are happy, cunt.
I hope you are as happy as I am on the day of rope.
Most jews and their boomer minions have no idea. They will learn the hard way. Think Donner party X's millions.
Wow. They are just as savage as the jews, except jews love bestiality, faggotry, etc.
This is why the white people need to KILL OFF both the JEWS, and the MUSLIMS.
Except he won't.
>White men who say such things have little dicks
You show me yours and I will show you mine. Deal?
>White men secure in their strength how no need to launch war on entire 'groups' of people and kill the ones needin' killin
If you could speak English… That would help.
>if you care use Amnesty type form to help those who need help
Nigger, what?
White men should kill niggers, jews, muslims like their ancestors did.
Having been to Davos and other meetings, I have to disagree.
That was not the plan. In fact, it was the opposite.
Not if someone shoots him in his fucking jew face.
I have explained this anon.
One last time.
The jews have spent over 65 years running America into the dirt, and did everything they could to force us to give up our guns like they did in every other white country.
Had Clinton been elected, we would be so beaten down, we would have been giving up our guns for donuts, like the vaxxies did.
Trump broke the spell. In fact, I believe that if it were not for Trump, there would not be a Trucker's Revolt, that is spreading.
The fuckers lost, and they knew it. That is why they are going to make our victory as bitter as defeat, itself. This is why they sloppily rolled out the vaxx. The only necks in nooses will be of their underlings like Fauchi, etc., as they go back to their dungeons and lick their wounds until they emerge again.
I concur
They are tossing their shit under the bus. Fauchi has his name all over it, in spite of the fact that he was taking orders. Time will tell, anon.