Trips confirm there will never be an SS Robert Byrd.
How many swats can hold this mammoth at bay?
>day in the life
It's like looking through a window, watching the grass grow, but the window is also grass.
'Power' 2x
Seems like the army corps of engineers didn't intend on electricity being shipped to other states to make yuuuge profits.
Needs sitting cross legged. Floating heads make eyes turn away from the meme.
A bit rusty since they took my favorite tools and threw them in file 13.
Wise advice. Fun is the ultimate. Laughter is power. Why is it that comedians become some of the richest people?
Tanks. Out of practice anon is flailing without comfy programs. Must break a few new ones in. is crazy buggy on anon's machine and the one anon used for this was ass backwards at best.
Anon would, but his farts are nuclear. Got airscrubbers handy?