>>15517140 Anon 'sitting bull', the bulk of everything that happened prior to Q stepping on scene
Excellent post, may i add how the Q team came to choice 4 chan on POL?
• I think it started years before maybe 2014 before Trump made his announcement, they knew they planned on dropping the truth this way, but what board would take it seriously and be trusted to research and disseminate Red Pills by memery and speech. I think one of the clinchers for the Team and Trump was in May of 2016 when anons located secret Terrorist Camps in Syria, this was picked up by the media and is still talked about:
“How did 4chan get the coordinates of an ISIS training camp and send them to Russian officials?”
“Observation of chatter on 4chan leads to location of landmarks . Landmarks are localities known .Satellite imagery shows imagery of landmarks. Triangulation of signal towers , viewing of satellite imagery and giveaway descriptions show locations”
With the Syrian work becoming newsworthy and picked up by media, what else could anons do in their interview for the job of anon world saviors?
• And Along with many other research and amazing things done on this board (along with other anonamous whistleblowers, FBIanonan, Femanon & others dropping on POL), the final thing that made QTeam & Q+ Choose 4 chan/POL and when the board passed the tests, was when Shia LeBeouf started his stupid He Will Not Divide Us “art installation FLAG” in March of 2017.
• This story went WW in all media and is famous to this day and still have people asking “how did they do that”
That amazing feat sealed the deal, they found and chose this board that brilliant hatd working anons, had excellent research, discussions, humor, spiritual, Patriots, etc. That were willing to save the world.
I believe this wholeheartedly as the Q team had to make sure the board they chose would never ever give up on the mission of “The Great Awakening”
Each and Every that Contributed to the Board in The Past or Now, Be Very Very Proud We/You Passed The Auditions and Tests To Have The Honor of Working to Save the World
Shia LaBeouf Is Still Being Trolled By 4chan Despite Hiding In Wilderness Of The Arctic
by paulsaccaApril 14, 2017
Never piss off 4chan users. Never, ever, never, ever. This is the harsh lesson that Shia LaBeouf is learning. LaBeouf’s latest “performance art” is titled “#AloneTogether” This project will have Shia, plus his collaborators Nastja Säde Rönkkö and Luke Turner, living in separate and remote cabins in Lapland, Finland where their only contact will be through a livestream broadcast and text messages. The livestream is broadcast to visitors to Kiasma museum in Helsinki, Finland.
• Since 4chan took down all of Shia’s #HeWillNotDivideUs flags, they have set to find the Hollywood actor and agitate the livestream. An ambitious group from 4chan has decided to disrupt Shia’s new project and the name of their mission is Operation Cabin Fever.
• Finding Shia seemed impossible since he literally could be anywhere in Lapland, which is the northernmost region of Finland and spans 38,752 square miles. LaBeouf is in a cabin so you don’t have weather, sunsets, and commercial airplane routes to use in order to track him down. But the 4chan and 8chan trolls are not ones to shy away from a challenge.
• Finland’s version of 4chan, Ylilauta, is being enlisted to help in the latest takedown according to Heat Street.
• Despite the project officially launching on Wednesday, by Thursday Shia had enough of the trolls’ shenanigans.LaBeouf went on a lengthy rant on how users of the message boards can’t get women and their sexual frustration leads them to fascist political ideologies. (we all have pure sperm so we are in demand now)
• Since the “project” started, users put MAGA hats on his head on the feed, showed him the stolen HWNDU flag.
• The expert sleuths over at 4chan may have already found the isolated cabin that Mr. LaBeouf could be broadcasting from.
• To make things worse, Shia’s “performance art” seems to be affecting his movies at the box office. His latest film “Man Down” only sold one ticket when it premiered in a single U.K. theater, making a grand total of $8.70 Kek