Please dear GreatSpiritLordYawayallajesus:
Gibs me mor honks.
It seem maybe at once our greatest characteristic AND handicap… compassionate sympathy for the lowest and most destructive among us.
“We” need to find that healthy and sustainable balance.
Have ta admits, dats a good’n.
Just as ready to stabs ya in the neck, as help ya find the best connectivity cable.
Can the Mayors repair their credibility and restore all the destroyed businesses and devastated families just as easy?
Me thinks not.
On a similar note, Virginia and West Virginia Governors try to suspend vax’n mandates for health workers who don’t want to be vaxxed, so that they can keep working on all the people damaged by “covidia/vaxxs”.
The hypocritical absurdities makes my thinker hurt.
My rights from nature, God and outlined in the Constitution, are not up for a “vote”.
Absolutely correct.
The concept of Adheasion, is that my participation with a thing, is acceptance of that thing.
Turn it around for just a sec…
How is participation and VOTING clearly for something… and then be falsely told the Vote doesn’t matter as [they] march on doing as they please… fixes things?
Well, keep voting all you like that [they] aren’t allowed to eat you.
There can be no enjoyment trying to dance with a broken record.
Kinda maybe, but a little different.
You actually knock the other guy out, but the ref and judges call it for the dude who’s out cold on the mat.
It not flattering, for me, to watch you gobbling that demon cock.
Best of luck to ya, take care.
Lemme see you translate the Bill of Rights into quantum syntax grammar, and magically make the over-reaching health inspector closing down a business for salt packets violations go poof.
Ill drop to my knees then.
Very notable if true.
I heard rumors about this as far back as the eighties. Listened to ten hours of various speakers talking about it in the late nineties (one nomdeplume, “Johnny Liberty” was darn good at bring in the passions of the wrongness of it all)…
What i still do not understand, is the push for that QSG thing. Why is there such a strong belief that a fraudulent system needs to be replaced by a vastly more convoluted ‘system’. Why is simply NOT participating with it, not enough? I know i know… plenty of other complications involved with extricating from [them]… but QSG hardly strikes me a necessary to the first part of simply calling it fraudulent and refusing to participate.
Just Wonder’n
The spirit of the Bill of Rights can be understood by 99.9999% of common thinkers. It makes simple sense in a hundred languages. That crooks, cons, thieves and traitors find it all very inconvenient… and do a masterful job of confusing people about it… is not itself a good reason to try introducing a vastly more convoluted writing and conversational convention.
Can you at least admit that part?