>Haven't they been jabbing babies with vaccines for decades?
"but the licensed medical doctors said it's all healthy and safe+effective"
How to destroy:
Fake News
Pharma industry
Medical "doctors"
school system + teachers
"just doing muh job" people
PRopaganda agencies
fact checkers
and basically bankrupt them all
w/ one single move?
Just imagine that being 70%.
And the medical "doctor experts" would still go along with it.
"Oh wow, my last 5 patients all died while walking out, well must be that covid thing, can't be muh vaxx"
I see how they go along with the current OBVIOUS and blatant HORSE SHIT.
And I'm working at a hospital.
Most medical doctors are retards.
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].
Every doctor and pharmacist I asked about MRC-5 and WI-38 had no idea what it is and that it's used for creating tons of vaccines DESPITE it being mentioned on the leaflet that is coming with these vaccines.
How is it possible that I know that, and these so called "experts" don't?
These "experts" at the same time tell patients that it's all healthy, and they have no clue wtf they are injecting there.
I also experienced these RETARDS laughing about "silly Trump having these ridiculous ideas about INJECTING DISINFECTANT", hahaha, they went. That would be totally bad for your health, totally bad and stupid idea.
But their faces went white when I told them the 3 DISINFECTANTS that are in quite a few vaccines and that they have injected into patients, while telling them it's for their health.
RETARDS, and that's fact.
No, I actually LOOKED IT UP.
I read the leaflet.
They didn't.
I was interested in it.
They weren't, despite them calling themselves "experts" and being ignorant fucks.
>training a dog
That's what medical professionals are.
Follow protocols all the way, even when the protocols are killing patients.
No one that ever looked that shit up will be able to "forget it".
For fuck's sake, it's even on wikipedia. Google didn't hide it.
Covid actually opens the eyes to how retarded medical professionals actually are:
vaccine within a year
gene therapy is now a vaccine
90% effective
80% effective
studies go until 2023 and further
approved b/c emergency
no excess mortality despite "emergency"
control group getting destroyed intentionally
everyone saying it's totally safe, which is a ridiculous claim to make especially in this situation
And you know what?
The pharmacists in my hospital, they all took it. They all took it. They were the first to take it.
"If we don't take it, it would kinda look bad.". They are all insane. And no, they are not evenpaid by Pfizer.
Even take this all real, let's say there is a very very deadly "virus" floating around and killing people. What would you have to make sure? That you don't try out new medical shit on all the staff, just in case anything goes wrong, because then your hospital gets closed down.
But no, they are doing the exact opposite. They are insane. All of them.
Now think about them even acting like that in this totally ridiculous situation. You can not take anything they claim seriously, because they are obviously insane.
One even told me - "well, what shall I do? If I don't take it, I may lose my job!!! my poor yacht!!!"
Yes, that's really gay.
Also fun fact: tell one pharmacist or doctor something really interesting like ABORTED FETUS CELLS used when creating vaccines, which means vaccines containing foreign DNA and that getting injected into babies.
Then wait a few weeks. You would THINK that these medical professionals talk w/ another and tell each other things like that, because well it's quite interesting and changes quite a bit in regards of vaccines.
But do they? No.
In my job if I find out something really weird, and I mean on a weird level I never made it past level 5 while ABORTED FETUS CELLS are level 100, I fucking talk with my co-workers about it.
But they don't. They never do.
Makes you wonder if they talk to another if their patients die "all of a sudden" after injecting poison into them.