Jeh Johnson
-Jeh Johnson testifies DNC rejected DHS help on hack, Russia meddling did not alter ballots
-Jeh Johnson testifies DNC rejected DHS help on hack, Russia meddling did not alter ballots
Here's something really interesting Jeh recently stated on Face The Nation.
>"My own grandfather, and Jim knows this, who was a sociologist, has an FBI file of several hundred pages," Johnson said. "So Jim and I talked about the history of the FBI and he and I literally – literally – finished my sentence when I said, there's a fine distinction, Jim, between telling somebody 'just so you know' and telling somebody 'just so you know, and don't mess with us.' And I was concerned that the president-elect was going to hear the latter and not the former message and Jim understood that, and I think he did his best."
If I understand this right, Comey told Potus about the dossier as a threat.