Anonymous ID: 61d11f May 26, 2018, 6:04 p.m. No.1552334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2862 >>2867

Oregon Student Sues School for Banning His Trump Border Wall T-Shirt


A high school student in Oregon is suing his school for banning him from wearing a pro-Donald Trump T-shirt in class.


Addison Barnes, 18, was told by administrators of Liberty High School in Hillsboro, Oregon, that he could not wear a T-shirt emblazoned with “Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.” The shirt also featured a 2016 Trump quote: “The wall just got 10 feet taller,” Fox Insider reported.


Barnes wore the shirt to his People and Politics class on the day the class was to engage in a discussion on immigration.


The student appeared on Fox & Friends First and said the punishment was curious because his teacher had a poster advocating for sanctuary policies hanging in the classroom all year and yet faced no questions from school officials.


The student was told to cover his shirt, but after initially complying, he changed his mind.


“At first, I covered it for a few minutes. Then I thought to myself, this isn’t right. This goes against the First Amendment and my beliefs, so I took the jacket off,” Barnes said, adding that not long afterward, a security officer came to escort him out of the school.


The school’s student handbook includes a rule that “only appropriate sayings or pictures are acceptable” on students’ clothes but does not delineate what is “acceptable,” the Statesman Journal reported.


The school has not issued any statement about the lawsuit, but the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon told KGW that it supports the student even though it does not like the shirt.


“The school clearly crossed the line when it required a student to remove a T-shirt that voiced support for Donald Trump’s border wall or face a suspension,” ACLU of Oregon’s legal director Mat dos Santos told the TV station. “This shirt is mean-spirited, but it isn’t a ‘disturbance’ under First Amendment case law.”



Anonymous ID: 61d11f May 26, 2018, 6:10 p.m. No.1552382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2862 >>2916 >>2999

Roger Stone wars with WikiLeaks intermediary now claiming to be on a 'secret mission' to bring Adam Schiff to Julian Assange


The man who once served as Roger Stone's WikiLeaks intermediary, New York radio personality Randy Credico, claimed Friday during an interview on MSNBC that he was sent on a "secret mission" to inform House Intelligence Committee ranking member Adam Schiff that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange wanted to meet up for the purpose of proving there was "no collusion."


He also has shared emails with the media which he claims show Stone threatening him and his dog, characterizing his former associate as a "sick man" and "delusional," after he met with Democratic staff members of the intelligence panel this week.


But both Stone, a longtime Trump confidant, and WikiLeaks have pumped the breaks, casting doubt on some, if not all, of Credico's assertions.


"Nothing Randy Credico [says] can be believed these days," Stone told the Washington Examiner. He also pointed to the fact that neither WikiLeaks nor Assange's attorneys have publicly confirmed that Assange was willing to meet Schiff.


Assange, who lives in asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, "has not said anything about what he would speak about were such a circumstance to arise. He does not speak to the public through third parties. Only statements by his lawyers or @WikiLeaks can be considered authoritative," WikiLeaks said on Twitter Saturday.


The timing of Credico's latest interview comes amid reports that Assange's six-year stint at the Ecuador embassy, protecting him from possible extradition to the U.S., could be in jeopardy.

For his part, Schiff, a California Democrat, did not deny that his team met with Credico. “Our committee would be willing to interview Julian Assange when he is in U.S. custody, not before,” Schiff’s office said in a statement Friday in response to Credico's interview on MSNBC.


Schiff has been vocal about his belief that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. After Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee announced earlier this year that they found no evidence of collusion, Democrats, led by Schiff, pushed back and accused the Republicans of ending the probe prematurely.


Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal unearthed emails that appeared to show Stone attempting to retrieve damaging information from Assange, through Credico, about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential contest.


But in a post on his Stone Cold Truth website, Stone casts one of the report's authors, Shelby Holliday, as being a "mouthpiece" for "the most deceitful manipulator and slimy demagogue in American politics today, the execrable Adam Schiff — the Democrats’ Russian collusion hoaxster extraordinaire." He claimed those emails were part of an effort to confirm information about Clinton's role in the fall of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and had nothing to do with the House Intelligence Committee's Russia investigation, hence explaining why he didn't provide them to investigators.


Schiff, in speaking with the Journal about the emails, suggested that Stone's testimony "was either deliberately incomplete or deliberately false."


Stone said Schiff and his Democratic allies have previously accused him of providing incomplete testimony regarding his unwillingness to disclose the identity of Credico as his "confirming source." Credico's name was later provided by his attorneys at the request of committee Republicans after which Stone said Schiff leaked to the media.


Credico, Stone wrote, has since given incomprehensible and implausible statements about his ties to WikiLeaks. Stone further stated that Credico now "quite insanely" trusts the same Democrats he was trying to protect his associate against. Credico previously asserted his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination when the House intelligence investigation was ongoing.


Multiple associates of Stone, and his finances, are currently being looked at by special counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the federal Russia investigation. Stone denies ever having a connection to Wikileaks in relation to the hacked emails of Democratic officials during the 2016 campaign, though his past statements have drawn scrutiny from investigators.


Last weekend during an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," Stone said he is "prepared" for a Mueller indictment, suggesting the special counsel might try and "conjure up" charges against him in an effort to silence Trump's supporters.



Anonymous ID: 61d11f May 26, 2018, 6:14 p.m. No.1552406   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Senator asks Pentagon for answers on Trump cellphone amid ongoing security concerns


President Trump’s smartphone use is the subject of a letter sent to Defense Secretary James Mattis by a senator seeking answers about the Pentagon’s efforts to defend the commander-in-chief’s personal device from hackers.


Sen. Tom Carper, Delaware Democrat, wrote the retired Marine Corps general Thursday requesting information about the Department of Defense’s procedures for protecting the president’s cellphone in the wake of recent news reports raising “serious security concerns” about the integrity of Mr. Trump’s communications, the lawmaker’s office said in a statement.


Mr. Trump uses a White House phone lacking sophisticated security features meant to shield his communications, according to a recent Politico article cited in Mr. Carper’s letter to the defense secretary, and The Associated Press reported in May 2017 that the president has urged world leaders to reach him directly through his smartphone, the senator wrote.


Despite lingering questions regarding the security of Mr. Trump’s cellphone, however, Mr. Carper, a senior member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, said the defense secretary has failed so far to qualm his concerns. He previously raised the matter in a letter co-signed by Sen. Claire McCaskill, Missouri Democrat and the committee’s ranking member, but never garnered any answers, he wrote this week.


“As you know, Senator McCaskill and I wrote to you more than fifteen months ago, on February 9, 2017, to gain a better understanding of the efforts by the Department of Defense and the White House to oversee, develop, and implement protective measures for President Trump’s use of a smartphone. As of the date of this letter, the Department has yet to respond,” wrote Mr. Carper.


“Given the need for clarity on this matter, I respectfully renew the requests made in the enclosed February 9, 2017 letter, and request a response no later than June 7, 2018,” Mr. Carper wrote Thursday.


The Pentagon did not immediately comment publicly on the lawmaker’s latest request.


In their initial letter, the Democrats wrote the defense secretary raising concerns about the president’s cellphone use less than a month into his administration, referencing recent news reports that suggested Mr. Trump was using an “old, unsecured Android phone” in office.


“These reports are very troubling because security risks associated with the use of an unsecured phone include hackers’ ability to access the device to turn on audio recording and camera features, as well as engaging surveillance tools that allow location and other information tracking features,” the senators wrote.


“While it is important for the President to have the ability to communicate electronically, it is equally important that he does so in a manner that is secure and that ensures the preservation of presidential records,” they added.


Subsequent reports, including Politico’s this week, said Mr. Trump continues to use phones lacking security features designed to safeguard his communications.


“The White House is confident in the security protocols in place for the President’s use of communications devices,” a senior White House official told ABC News in response to the Politico report.



Anonymous ID: 61d11f May 26, 2018, 6:18 p.m. No.1552431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2862

Facebook and Google Face $8.8 Billion Lawsuits on First Day of New EU Data Laws


Facebook and Google face lawsuits of up to $8.8 billion on the first day of new GDPR EU data laws, according to a report.


The Verge reported that the two companies were hit “with a raft of lawsuits” accusing them of “coercing users into sharing personal data.”


“The lawsuits, which seek to fine Facebook 3.9 billion and Google 3.7 billion euro (roughly $8.8 billion dollars), were filed by Austrian privacy activist Max Schrems, a longtime critic of the companies’ data collection practices,” they reported, adding, “GDPR requires clear consent and justification for any personal data collected from users, and these guidelines have pushed companies across the internet to revise their privacy policies and collection practices.”


“Both Google and Facebook have rolled out new policies and products to comply with GDPR, but Schrems’ complaints argue those policies don’t go far enough,” the Verge explained. “In particular, the complaint singles out the way companies obtain consent for the privacy policies, asking users to check a box in order to access services. It’s a widespread practice for online services, but the complaints argue that it forces users into an all-or-nothing choice, a violation of the GDPR’s provisions around particularized consent.”


Facebook responded to the new GDPR regulations by moving data from Ireland to the United States, while some American websites blocked European visitors as they struggled to keep up with the new laws.



Anonymous ID: 61d11f May 26, 2018, 6:22 p.m. No.1552471   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GOP to Facebook, Twitter: Don’t ‘Suppress Conservative Voices’


Social media platforms must work with both sides of the political spectrums if they wish to maintain neutrality. That was the message to top social media companies from a top Republican.


On Friday’s America’s Newsroom, Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, told anchor Bill Hemmer that the RNC sent a letter to Facebook and Twitter, asking them to respond by June 18. She stated, “We just preemptively wanted to go to Facebook and say that we want assurances that you are not going to suppress conservative voices.”


She also stated that the RNC was concerned that the “Silicon Valley thought police” were going to “determine what voices filter through on their conservative platform.” In the letter, both McDaniel and Trump’s 2020 Campaign Manager Brad Parscale expressed their disapproval of the way social media companies have handled censorship in the past. They wrote, “Rampant political bias is inappropriate for a widely used public forum.”


The letter asked Twitter and Facebook, “How will you safeguard voters’ access to fair content on your platform? How will you guarantee that conservative voices are no longer censored, and conservative news no longer buried or otherwise hidden?”


On America’s Newsroom, McDaniel told the story of how a state senator in Michigan had his campaign announcement censored by Facebook “because he had veterans in his launch.” She told Hemmer, “We’re asking people to go to and share their instances so we can take them to Facebook.”


McDaniel also anticipated some level of cooperation from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, saying,


“Mark Zuckerberg himself said in front of Congress we are concerned about fair treatment of conservative voices. We know that it’s a liberal place in Silicon Valley. We know that we don’t usually have the same mindset, and we want to make sure we’re fair and neutral. So, preemptively before the midterms, we are reaching out to them saying, give us transparency. Talk to us about your process. Let’s make sure that it is a neutral place where ideas can be shared without again, that Silicon Valley thought police.”