Norm getting around the (((PC))) censors to red pill you. He illustrates how utterly stupid the boomerfag narrative on WWII is. Happy memorial day!
Make yourself useful.
Spend as much time as you do protesting abortion as you do protesting pics of pretty women.
Take that energy and expose the kikes that film young women being gangraped by jews and niggers for profit.
Just fucking once!
Do that.
But no.
You'll just hang out here virtue signalling because you saw a boob or butt.
Trump's base is over 90% white.
Whites unite.
Nonwhite? Get on the white train.
If we are in power we will trat you fairly. Fair. Not equal. Fair.
Take the deal its way better than dems will do for you.
Good on you anons.
I hear a lot of talk about freedom and liberty. But never truth. Thats a problem.
The truth shall set you free.
Which word came first?
My people will be destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Not my people will be destroyed for lack of freedom.
Fucking christ the american jewed up understanding of this world is a pile of knots that need to be unraveled.
The truth.
Not freedom.
Not liberty.
Not individualism.
Nationhood. A people. A family. The truth.
Not a multiethnic conglomeration of strangers.
We are so jewed out in USAโฆ
Trump cannot say the term White Americans. Never has said it. Can't say it. Won't say itโฆ
Because jews. Jew.
Listen goyim.
We are the good guys and that requires us to make the WWII story complete fiction. We are justified because liberty freedom tolerance diversity muh jooz.
Fuck the truth.
Can't let goyim know.
Yay god.
Yay america.
Lets make hate speech laws.
America Israel Great Allies Freedom.
Monsters of Babylon. Sumerian Swindle.
I inroduced that to this board.
Listen I have my own positive thinking and feelings about Jesus "God".
I stay away from it because the satanists have taken that over and it should be obvious at this point.
Small potatoes.
You can walk into the office and say that and nobody gets outraged.
Say some real truth about WWII or who controls the media and banking system? Big problems.
Saying what will cause big problems amongst the sheep? Sheep so brainwashed they don't need sheepdogs present?
Thats the red pill.
All else is disinfo.