Or, just walk in and buy it.
It's EXACTLY the same active ingredient, but understood about sheeplethink.
Gud stuff. Doing most of it and what I'm not doing, I tried and adjusted. So far so good.
Cute 'Nuck.
This would be near the upper end of the human dosing range. It would be effective, no doubt, but .2mg/kg once a week prophylactically or .4mg/kg every other day for a week or two post infection would also work very well and consume far less medication. Refer to the Indian field hospital trials. Or FLCCC's global data sponge of all available results.
Not pissing on your wheaties, but this is already in short supply and making the available stocks do the most good is sound practice, as well as using the lowest effective dosing for a variety of obvious reasons.
I think what you're doing is great, but also understand that many people are both stupid and lazy and will not do the mathโฆnot to mention those who screw up basic arithmetic. You need to make it stupidly easy for them.
Like 1x your weight on the plunger is ~0.2mg/kg (0.187)
2x is ~0.4mg/kg (0.374)
3x is ~0.6mg/kg (0.561)
The math is good, but like the other responder commented, it's an estimation at the end of the day. A careful one, done right; but fortunately, a safe and forgiving medication.
Durvet doesn't make it easier mixing metric with imperial, but just using the plunger marks upscaling for human doses is more than accurate enough to get on track.
Catturd is anti-Q