Thnx BO
I think I mispelled "Nuremberg" in last bread's title btw. (Spelled it burg by mistake)
If it bothers you like it's now bothering me, feel free to fix it.
I woulda kept honking at him, kek
Kek, nice work
I'm gonna lodial my dick in ur ass (heterosexually) if you don't stop spamming this shit nigga!
Great, this faggot again
Ban Evasion Reported
Enjoy wasting your time to spam shit
that will just get deleted over and over again
until you give up and go fuck yourself
Tell that nigga :Russel-Jay-Gould. to drop some new content already
BLM shill's screenshot shows it is located in central time zone using unactivated version of windows, kek
Digits wont change the fact you'll never be a real woman
>>15525568 ←jew lover
Jewboy filtered!
Kek, it's truly hilarious watching the same tactics on cycle.
And by hilarious I mean pathetic.
Since it proves you're a domestic terrorist yeah prolly.
Mostly just funny though.
Too broke to own a copy of windows, too dumb to crack it properly, kek!
Poor stupid shill.
You're like the retarded kid everyone picks up, but can't pi k up social q's
So you just keep shitting yourself!
Goodnight all you honkies!
I'll see you all tomorrow evening.
Until then, pray that no namefags show up.
It's all that seems to be missing from our current cast of low-level shills