Proved by shill
They are really scared
they are really here
That's what they think, or they wouldn't have shilled.
Proved by shill
They are really scared
they are really here
That's what they think, or they wouldn't have shilled.
this is why they had the 2 pillars, the "gates" destroyed on attack 9/11
"Beauty " and "Strength (their justice)"
100 % free masonic.
"Some believe in Magic"
They're probably looking forward to their next break
I think the outfit is in Austin.
? "AJ"'s studio
How can we hobble the fake media?
Hate-Jew Astroturf is one and the same with Time-Warner.
Such a strange, maybe stupid nature, that loves to mock?
Check out this dude/crisis actor featured here.
So cringe.
Did his family control the L.A. Times? Relative to "Ray?"
Jew Hate spammers are just low-rent Crisis Actors
Either that or the perps themselves, who β¦. have nothing better to do.
Shows and affirms their character, fer sure.
HOw many jew haters are up in the middle of the night to harass this board?
Does "AJ" have a team of some number? or what.
Same crappy memes, too
Thank God aSS got booted
Made my year.
Let's all announce we blocked the anon who clled us out..
for filtering.
oh my sides..
Loven it.
And now we know for sure what they are about: GENOCIDE
They want to kill us. It's no secret now.
Does change the landscape a bit when you figure out who they areβ¦
They play the role of Jew Haters, but yeah, they'd put us all in the ovens if they could.
Don't have to be a Jew; just a Jew lover, or a person who said No to the injection.
I'm sorry. anon shouldn't be laughing.
But when it gets to NOW, where everyone can see exactly who they are⦠They are done.
one can read the transcript and see there was nothing there.
It's all shown in Mueller report
They got away with framing people for so long they thought his one would be easy too.
When the shills lose, that's when they start threatening violenc, posting disturbing images;
So predictable they are.
Well, yeah
Lotsa things about Pence have been overlooked.
Giving the Country for Bidan and receiving (at least) a coin for it, for one.
Earlier in this whole fiasco anon remembers a family member of Flynn claiming Flynn didn't want to impugn Pence by disputing his account..
It would be Pence word against Flynn?
Pence is scum, always has been.
it's become overtly lawless.
Hey they openly are trying to kill us; and are succeeding in many cases.
Ignore this dude . It's a Muh Jew shill
Nobody can speak for the group .
We all think for ourselves.
We plagued here by government agents posing as "q researchers" whatever but never actually doing that. They actually hate Q.
But that aside
The OWS was also plagued with the same undercover provocaters / characters.
Wonder why the powers that be (criminals) are so afraid of political movements?
The Banking issues , "Obamas" paying off the banks in the trillions, is an issue.
The movement against the corrupt banking interest, represented by Obama and all the other politicians in the permanant goverenment had to be subverted.
Now that we see this same rogue criminal government is trying to kll us; yes there will be a merging of the left activist and the right activists
it's already happening.
Everybodys callng for the Muh Jews to go home
And what do they do?
Call out the likely "anti police" attempt to sow discord
It's gotta be Kafabe.
many of the OWS supporters were Jewish, being NYC after all
So that's the same ol division fag attempt.
Time to start collecting names, rather than reading, or taking seriously, their bogus reports.
yeah, it's kafabe
just as I thought
That is what they are totally bugged out to imagine
Merging of "right" and 'left" against them
Now that gives them nightmares.
Already happening
They all turned on DJTrump and showe their true colors.
The Big Reveal
They all have to go⦠or step down.
no, you are trying to frame us.
proved by shill
they really hate you.
thank you for your work
Did Pence kill someone?
wouldn't be surprised.
Probably even would've been in on trying to kill DJT, too?
if that's aSS
So glad you are gone.
Bye Bye Bye
Cause we're sick of you
Bye Bye Bye
How do you know a shill
They bring down a big curse on themselves by insulting their host.
Shills are worse than the lowest
creature on Earth.
The Death Religion hides behind the Jews. We've said that all along. And the real Death cultists just hate that.
We see them.
That's their problem
That's why they've blanketed this place with Hate-Jew astroturf
and even after being exposed they just keep calling attention to themselves and doubling down.
crisis actor
FBI is now a joke.
All they know how to do is lame "puppet shows"
And fucking each other in the butt.
FBI .. it's alright.
Game is over.
You can go home now.
no one is buying your crap anymore.
no that's FBI
You have to be gay , in the boys club, to work there.
nothing to do with Jewish
They are wannabe WASP's
Or mebbe scientologist Co$
It's gone beyond that now
It' open genocide
"to protect the climate."
so they must tell those (not far enough out of the psychopath spectrum to be alright with it if there's no excuse) The most extreme will do it "just because"
When you see what they are doing now
Which use to be the "future"
The likely fact they are cannibals seems much more plausible.
Who else would want to do mass genocide of the whole planet's human population?
Future (which is now) proves past.
They are desperte because they weren't able to kill him
And it tooks like his people will win this year in NOV
They have no other choice.
they need to arrest him
Could 've been predicted.
Usually they just kill the previous leader or the ones that get in their way (JFK, RFK, MLK)
This reminds me of OWS
they're sending over the sickest people in the world for disruption.
sorry learn history
those "chits" "receipts" for voting. Are easily traded for money
That's unsafe and was outlawed in the USA once upon a time. Hundreds of years ago.
The big push for electronic voting now?
Is from interested parties who want the contract.
Countless ways to cheat have been worked out over the years.
So the crooks need to find the next angle; and are working on that already.
Why use electronic voting?
Where's the reason for it?
We got a whole slew of "muh jew" Propogandists paid to swarm here and attempt to prove "it's da Jews" and the Jewish people are hatful and all powerful.
They flood this site for years now with hate Jew spam and crappy cartoons/ "memes" ( can't even call 'em memes) designed to enflame the emotions and dow division
I wonder why they try so hard to blame the Jews and convince the world Q researchers are Jew Haters?
It costing someone a lot of money for this
Who needs the world to believe "It's the Jews?
What would be the motive?
Doesn't it make more sense that the real perps would be nameless.
Why would they pay to have themselves exposed?
These "Muh Jew" propagnadists are part of the corrupt Media
The plant the stuff here for the big guys to point to;
So glad they've been hobbled and their agenda is more easily seen.
People are dying fro the injection; but they continure to blater about "dah jews"
Is that normal?
If it's "da jews" why are they killing their own in Israel?
Oh right.
Same thing happened in Germany.
to clarify
"They killed their own in WW2" Germany. The Jews they killed were Germans, they identified as German.
Just as injection resistors consider themselves Americans , and are set to be killed or put in camps.
The Americans taking the injection are being killed "by their own" American brethren.
shills are triggered.
They are getting more and more wound up.
I wonder why
Transhumanists hate our world. They want to destroy it.
They also hate woman (who gives life. They are jealous)
That's why they need to imitate woman and put themselves in some roles of power as fake woman.
The degrade woman by taking away their role and imitating them
They get a charge from fooling people and getting one up on women, whom they hate, at the same time.
Been looking up posts which contain the word "mirror"
Isn't the "news" like a funhouse distorted mirror? which gives a false perception.
"Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a2b6ea No.9811291 π
Jul 1 2020 09:00:01 (EST)
How do you demonstrate 'reasonable cause' to regulate and/or break up BIG TECH?
What is the common theme/tactic of the LEFT?
Define 'Fascism'.
Forcible suppression of opposition?
Define 'Censorship'.
The institution, system, or practice of censoring?
Define 'Narrative'.
A way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values?
Define 'Projection'.
The attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety?
The forming of a plan : scheming?
Define 'Psychological Projection'.
A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others?
Define 'Narcissist'.
A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves: narcissists who think the world revolves around them | narcissists preening themselves in front of the mirror?
Define 'Dogma'.
A point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds?
Define 'Aggression'.
Forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one's aims and interests?
Define 'Suppression'.
The action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication?
[Bonus Round]
'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong.
Define 'Realism'.
The quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life?
Actions of [ANTIFA]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
Actions of [FAKE NEWS]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
Actions of [TWITTER, FB, GOOG, YT, REDDIT, etc..]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
MSDNC pushes coordinated FAKE, FALSE, MISLEADING DISINFORMATION based on a biased [D] political viewpoint [controlled mouthpiece(s)].
Blue checkmarks then defend and attack [target] opposing viewpoints using slander, aggression, suppression, group-think, etc. [suppression tactics].
Non-blue checkmarks then defend and promote attacker(s) [blues] viewpoint(s) [leftwing 'cult'] to instill echo_chamber wall-to-wall amplified narrative for each designated subject.
Select [public discovery] topics are deemed and ranked in priority order [ranking determines use of assets [big-to-small]].
[How to herd the sheep (you) 101]
If you do not follow [remain in-line] with their political viewpoints you are deliberately made to feel in the minority [isolated] and inferior [using aggression-slander].
[If majority thinks x then x must be true _projected false reality _minority projected as majority using news _ social media platforms to spotlight designated viewpoints [the 'narrative']].
A public (person) that thinks for themselves [independent free-thought] is what they are afraid of most [loss of control].
You've done a great job.
Thanks for stepping.
We need a serious environment to do serious work, and you've given it back.
anon believes the main platforms, including Telegram, use the "spam" accusation to censor.
They use various accusations.
Hate Speech
when the label doesn't apply.
anon thinks they may see "Spam" as anything relating to DJT POTUS positive, and just see them all the same.
The pull excuses out of their assess sort of like aSS who didn't even bother to give a reason finally, and when giving a reason it was a BS reason that had nothing to do with anything.
We all have hundreds of screen shots , proofs of this.
The princle is this
anon learned this over 20 years ago studying the Bush vs Gore ruling.
They use your own alleged rights against you.
So here they do psychological torture, that most people would be unable to wade through, without extreme stamina and motivation.
What they repeat is a narrative;
See above link of Q 2020 drop for various definitions.
The narrative is "The Jews are evil. The Jews must be irradicated. If the Jews were gone everything would be find. You are all Jews. Anybody who disagrees with me is a Jew. The Jews Hide. The Jews steal. ad infinitum . , etc. ,
So basically you end up censoring whatever promotes that narrative?
If you've been here for four years it's easy to ID.
Where they're going with it.
They now have their own board to discuss and promote their ideas, which are strictly at odds with Q research.
Perhaps give them a thread.
Remember aSS was screaming "Give me my own board please Jim?"
He had our board and changed it from Q research to "Hate Jew" philosophy, which anon beleives was an attack by the mainstream, and was deliberate.
Even saying something very simple about Jews such a WW2 was not about race; will get you labeled racist, so that is extreme.
Seems muh jews are blocked from articulating their position because it is so weak, so need to annoy or disrupt, like a small angry child at the table with adults in order to express their frustrations (is it hate or a job for them. I say it's a job)
Anyway, the policy agains Muh Jew narrative can be articulated and posted
Rmember the first thing aSS did when it took over as dictator / ban hmmer crazy BV, was to ban the use of the term "Muh Jew"
that's very telling.
look who you triggered.
Must be a great idea.
thanks for the correction
Ronny Johnson, 3 year delta
Ronnie Jackson 3 yr. delta from day of announcement of appointment to office
funny because the jew haters had no problem censoring thousands of anons.
That proves they are liars.
We spend too much time trying to disprove, over and over and over, ridicoulous liars who are not in good faith.
that's called a "Fruit Loop"
and their way of harming our project.
Why are the rules different for us than for them?
I always said they were ANTIFA
They call themselves "antifascist"
They call themselves promoters of free speech when they are cornered and called out on their lies.
Their mis-use of "free speech" actually threatens our own, and is a form of psychological warfare.
We're a little tag team
They have all the power behind the mass Broadcast technology
All the Stars. All the talking heads.
Yet they have to come here to raise the muh jew issues in the form of spam and harassment?
Yet, we have little power on the spectrum of mass broadcasting.
Truth has legs, eh?
science fiction writer "LEM"