Hope these series of memes and what I am about to write below settles 'The JQ' once and for all, informationally I mean, so that any and all future slanders and smears against the Jews will be nothing what it always was, a satanic code to divide the human race all to benefit those satanists who gain when people are divided.
The beliefs, thoughts, feelings, convictions, choices, and ACTIONS of ONE person never has and never will be synonymous with, or a 'reflection' of, or 'representative' of, the beliefs, thoughts, feelings, convictions, choices, and ACTIONS of 16,999,999 other people.
The beliefs, thoughts, feelings, convictions, choices, and ACTIONS of TWO people never has and never will be synonymous with, or a 'reflection' of, or 'representative' of, the beliefs, thoughts, feelings, convictions, choices, and ACTIONS of 16,999,998 other people.
The beliefs, thoughts, feelings, convictions, choices, and ACTIONS of THREE people never has and never will be synonymous with, or a 'reflection' of, or 'representative' of, the beliefs, thoughts, feelings, convictions, choices, and ACTIONS of 16,999,996 other people.
16,999,999. The beliefs, thoughts, feelings, convictions, choices, and ACTIONS of SIXTEEN MILLION, NINE HUNDRED NINETY NINE THOUSAND, NINE HUNDRED NINETY NINE people never has and never will be synonymous with, or a 'reflection' of, or 'representative' of, the beliefs, thoughts, feelings, convictions, choices, and ACTIONS of ONE individual.
Next: Who are the 'puppet masters' REALLY? How do they see themselves? Are they separating themselves from not just 'Goy' but also 'Jews'? YES.
There is a 'cabal' of human beings who perceive themselves as having 'evolved' into an entirely new species, a species with a 'higher consciousness' that allegedly permits them to 'see the world as it really is', they see themselves as the vessels or containers of a new species level advancement in 'consciousness' that separates themselves from not just 'goys', but every 'jew' who SPEAKS 'opposite' to the cabal's SPEECH.
This 'cabal' are 'materialists' who believe their 'higher consciousness' has a physical reality, in their 'bloodlines'.
When the rest of the world's population 'forgets' who they really are, when they are viewed as a sub-species, when they are preyed upon, when they are flooded with 'narrative' meant to make them feel ashamed and guilty for resisting the narrative, it may superficially LOOK like there is a 'reality' to this devolved paganist view, but as I know and as many many many many others know, for anything to be rightfully considered a 'reality', it has to be grounded in what is, and what is known as what is. Not deception. Not division at source. Not information asymmetry where one 'side' believes lies are truth and where another 'side' knows the other side is believing lies are truth, and weaponizes that for further exploitation of that 'other side'.
This 'cabal' sees their own biology as distinct from every human being on the planet, including distinct from what the 'muhjoo' shills even DEFINE as 'jews'.
The Great Awakening is not anti-semitic. It's not just another iteration of 'thesis' -'anti-thesis' -> 'synthesis' of one form or another, be it the stories of WW1/WW2, or earlier.
The Great Awakening is the human race's self-learning of the presence of a theological view force implemented by a 'select' set crime families of 'bloodlines' who have acquired power through generations of exploiting humanity using deception, blackmail and murder at the root, and with accumulated wealth, buying whole governments, and thus becoming controllers of entire country populations.
Since these people do not see themselves as god fearing Jews, but as 'evolved' into a higher plane of consciousness that enables them the right to determine who lives and dies on this planet, the awakening to this, the resisting against it, and the destruction of it, cannot logically itself be just another thesis antithesis synthesis cycle, it cannot logically be just another 20th century narrative of anti-semitism.
The great awakening is the revelation of evil as such, of a predatory destructive deception, of divide and conquer, and at the same time the revelation of good as such, of compassionate creative truth, of cooperation and building RECIPROCALLY.
With reciprocal cooperation, the whole ancient and artificial 'dialectic' completely collapses as the house of cards it is.
A New World.
A Golden Age.
Are there any 'higher beings' here who would like to prove once and for all what 'reality' and 'intelligence' REALLY is and MUST be?