You know if she would just stop her meltdown long enough to take a deep breath, she might realize FJ did her a favor.
She was right about one thing, she was the only one paying any attention. FJ and the BVs were not showing up or giving a shit. So she took it upon herself to give a shit but she went too deep. Got the power trip and ran with it. Spent way too much time here, got delusions of grandeur, thought she was the only one who did research (insane unreadable graphics) etc.
FJ fucking up (whether on purpose or not) and losing the board was probably the best thing for her. She just hasn't realized it yet. The REEEEEEEing was to be expected, but it's gone on far longer than it should. She needs to step away, gather herself, humble herself and come back as an anon. It's what NEEDS to happen. Will it? Doubtful. She is way too focused on herself still. Hopefully she will realize this for her own sanity.